What is CPC,CPL,CPA in GoogleAds/FacebookAds

You might have opened this email with curiosity.

What am I talking about?

Artifical Intelligence?

In an email course about Lead generation?

You might be thinking – what has artificial intelligence to do with lead generation.

It has a lot of things to do with it.

You see, we have always thought about AI as something that will give power to machines to act like human beings.

Like iRobot movie where robots are walking around, some with even some emotions.

But AI is not that.

May be for movies it is cool to use AI to make robots walk around.

We might not have walking robots, but AI is already here. It is inside computer code, stored in servers and they are doing the work for us.

So how is AI doing the work for me in my quest for lead generation?

In the previous lesson, I told you about a new campaign I had setup to drive traffic to my Facebook Ads course landing page.

I had generated around 50 leads as of yesterday.

And instead of setting up a target CPA (cost per action), I had setup a daily budget of 1000 rupees and told Google to bring me the maximum number of conversions per day as possible.

But Google Ads engine doesn’t know if a user will convert on a landing page or not. It doesn’t know the conversion ratio. So it cannot set the bids correctly.

That’s why when a campaign begins, it says “Learning”.

You can check in the screenshot below on the first line. It says Eligible (Learning).

And on the stats you can see that I have generated 152 leads already with a conversion cost of 8.41 rupees.

The CPC is 2.77 rupees. Which means that the landing page conversion is around 33%. Out of every 3 clicks one person is converting into a lead.

During the initial stage of the campaign, Google will raise and lower the CPC and also try to advertise in different places to try to optimize the campaign.

To reach the maximum efficienty at 1000 rupees a day budget, Google should make sure that it doesn’t have a very high CPC that I get very few leads. And it should also make sure that it doesn’t have a very low CPC that the ads do not trigger at all.

If I am ready to spend 1000 rupees a day on this campaign and if the average cost of leads is 10 rupees then I would generate 100 leads a day.

If I increase the campaign budget to 10,000 rupees a day then Google might not be able to get enough clicks at 2-3 rupees and if it doesn’t then I will not spend my daily budget and I wouldn’t be getting enough leads.

So Google will try increasing my CPC to 5 rupees and if the conversion ratio remains at 33% on the landing page then for every lead I would be paying 15 rupees. And I would be able to spend the entire 10,000 rupees in a day.

Long back, before Google Ads became intelligent, marketers had to decide the CPC to optimzie the ads for maximum leads for a given budget.

But now the machine is doing it. It’s the robot. It’s the AI.

That’s how AI helps you generate the maximum amount of leads as possible for a specific daily budget.

I hope you learned something new today.

Tomorrow we will learn why it is important to have a lot of different lead magnets and run multiple campaigns at a low daily budget to get the maximum number of leads at the lowest possible cost.

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