what are the teachings of islam about business

what are the teachings of islam about business?

Islamic business ethics include several principles, such as:

  1. JusticeFair remuneration and distribution of risks are central to Islamic economic teachings. For example, creditors should share risks with debtors, rather than the debtors bearing them alone.
  2. AccountabilityThe Quran emphasizes the importance of accountability and responsibility in all aspects of life, including business. Muslims are called upon to be mindful of their actions and decisions, as they will be held accountable for them.
  3. HonestyBusiness in Islam is conducted in an honest and truthful manner.
  4. AdvertisingIslam values advertising as a tool for informing customers about a firm’s offerings, but it is not allowed to conceal information or deceive prospective buyers.
  5. Fair treatment of workersIslamic teachings deplore the unkind or ill treatment of workers, and require parties to employment contracts to adhere to principles of justice and equality.
  6. TransparencyAdvocates for integrity and transparency in business dealings, particularly with non-Muslims, to foster positive impressions of the Muslim community.
  7. Reducing economic inequalityIslam encourages that every man should give a specified proportion of his wealth to the needy, as a means of narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor.

Other pillars of Islamic business ethics include: faithful observance of contracts, accurate measurement, fair recruitment practices, and prohibition of interest and unlawful trade.

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