Quail Farming: Highly Profitable Business With 35 Tips

Quail Farming: Highly Profitable Business With 35 Tips


Last Updated: March 17, 2023 / By Staff Quail / 56 minutes of reading


Commercial quail farming has become a very popular business among the beginners. It is very profitable an very easy start. As far as we have experienced, quail farming business is very easy, lucrative and entertaining. Anyone can start this business with little investment.

It’s very easy to maintain a quail farm, because quails are among the smallest species of poultry birds. The Japanese scientists first tamed the wild quails and revealed the ways to raise them as domestic birds.

Commercial quail farming in Japan has spread tremendously. Now, people throughout the world performing quail farming business commercially for the purpose of meat and egg production. Quail farming is very profitable like other farming ventures, such as chickenturkey or duck farming business.

Almost all types of weather conditions are suitable for starting quail farming business. Meat and eggs of quail are very tasty and nutritious.

Quail eggs are very nutritious than other poultry eggs. Because quail eggs contain comparatively more protein, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B1 and B2.

Quail farming can play a vital role to meet up the demand of food and nutrition. Quail farming business require small capital and labor. Quails can be raised along with your other poultry birds for meat or eggs production.

Table of Contents

How to Start Quail Farming Business

As quails are smaller sized poultry birds, so it’s very easy to establish a quail farm. Make a proper quail farming business plan before starting. And work according to the plan.

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A proper business plan should include breeds, housing, feeding, care and marketing strategies. Here we are shortly describing every steps.

Complete a Quail Farming Training

To succeed in the quail farming business, you need to have the necessary knowledge and skills. This is where quail farming training comes in.

Quail farming training is essential for both beginners and experienced farmers. It provides the knowledge and skills needed to start, operate and manage a successful quail farm.

Benefits of Quail Farming Training

Here are some of the benefits of quail farming training:

Learn about quail farming basics

Quail farming training teaches you about the basics of quail farming. You will learn about the different breeds of quails, their characteristics, and how to choose the right breed for your farm. You will also learn about quail behavior, housing requirements, and feeding.

Understand the quail egg production cycle

Quail farming training covers the egg production cycle, from incubation to hatching and egg collection. You will learn about the ideal temperature and humidity levels for incubation, as well as how to care for the hatchlings.

Learn about quail meat production

Quail farming training also covers quail meat production. You will learn about the different cuts of meat, how to process the meat, and how to package and store it.

Understand disease prevention and control

Quail farming training teaches you about disease prevention and control. You will learn about the common diseases that affect quails, their symptoms, and how to prevent them. You will also learn about biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of diseases.

Receive guidance on business management

Quail farming training also provides guidance on business management. You will learn about marketing, record keeping, financial management, and other aspects of running a successful quail farm.

How to receive quail farming training?

Now we will discuss how to receive quail farming training and what to expect from the process.

Research available training programs

The first step to receiving quail farming training is to research the available programs in your area. Look for training programs offered by government agencies, universities, and agricultural organizations. You can also search for online courses and tutorials that teach the basics of quail farming.

Attend a training course

Once you have identified potential training programs, attend a course that suits your needs. In-person courses can provide hands-on training and opportunities to network with other farmers.

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Online courses may offer more flexibility in terms of scheduling and can be a more affordable option. Look for courses that cover topics such as quail behavior, nutrition, housing, and disease prevention.

Find a mentor

In addition to formal training programs, finding a mentor can be an excellent way to learn about quail farming. Look for an experienced quail farmer in your area and ask if they would be willing to mentor you.

You can also join local farming associations and organizations to meet other quail farmers and build a support network.

Read books and articles

There are many books and articles available on quail farming that can supplement your training. Look for publications written by experienced quail farmers, and those that cover a variety of topics, from breeding and incubation to marketing and sales.

Reading widely can give you a more comprehensive understanding of quail farming and help you troubleshoot problems as they arise.

Attend farming conferences and event

Attending farming conferences and events can be a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques in quail farming. Look for events that are specific to quail farming or that are focused on small-scale agriculture.

These events can provide opportunities to meet other farmers, learn from experts, and discover new products and services.

Make a Quail Farming Business Plan

Making a good and effective business plan is very important for successful quail farming business. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write a quail farming business plan:

Executive Summary

This section should give a brief overview of your business. It should include your business objectives, mission statement, products or services, target market, and financial projections.

Company Description

In this section, you should provide a detailed description of your business. You should include information such as the legal structure of the business, ownership structure, location, and history.

Market Analysis

This section should analyze the market potential for quail products in your area. You should research the current demand for quail meat and eggs, the competition, pricing, and consumer trends.

Products and Services

This section should describe the quail products you will be offering, including the different breeds of quail you will raise, the egg production cycle, and the types of meat products you will sell.

Marketing and Sales

In this section, you should outline your marketing and sales strategy. You should explain how you will promote your business, attract customers, and generate sales.

Operations and Management

This section should detail the day-to-day operations of your business, including the farm design, equipment and supplies, and the processes for raising quails, collecting eggs, and processing meat.

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Financial Projections

This section should provide detailed financial projections, including the startup costs, revenue, and expenses. You should also include a break-even analysis, cash flow statement, and profit and loss statement.


In the conclusion section, you should summarize the key points of your business plan and emphasize the potential for success in the quail farming business.

Determine the Quail Products

Quail farming is a lucrative business that involves raising quails for their meat and eggs. Quail products are becoming increasingly popular due to their unique taste and numerous health benefits. Here are the different quail farming products and their uses.

Quail Eggs

Quail eggs are one of the most popular quail farming products. They are smaller than chicken eggs but contain more nutrients, including vitamins A, B2, and B12.

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Quail eggs are also high in protein and low in cholesterol, making them a healthy choice for consumers. They are used in various dishes, including salads, sandwiches, and sushi.

Quail Meat

Quail meat is another popular quail farming product. It is known for its tender texture and unique taste, which is slightly gamey and sweet.

Quail meat is also low in fat and high in protein, making it a healthy alternative to other types of meat. It is used in various dishes, including stews, curries, and grilled dishes.

Quail Feathers

Quail feathers are often used in crafts and decorative items. They come in different colors and patterns, making them ideal for creating unique designs. Quail feathers are also used in fly fishing, where they are tied to the hook to mimic insects.

Quail Manure

Quail manure is a valuable fertilizer for gardens and crops. It is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential nutrients for plant growth. Quail manure is also low in odor and easy to handle, making it an excellent choice for organic farming.

Quail Chicks

Quail chicks are sold to farmers who want to start their own quail farming business. They are easy to raise and mature quickly, making them a popular choice for commercial quail farming.

Select Right Quail Breeds

At present there are 18 species of quails are available, which are very suitable for profitable quail farming business. Some of these breeds are famous for egg production and some are popular for meat production. According to their production, quail breeds are of two types such as broilers and layers.

By the way, when starting a quail farm, one of the essential decisions to make is selecting the right quail breed. There are several quail breeds to choose from, and each has its unique characteristics and advantages. Here are some of the most popular quail breeds for farming.

Coturnix Quail

Coturnix quails are one of the most popular breeds for quail farming. They are easy to raise, have high egg production rates, and mature quickly. Coturnix quails are also known for their calm temperament and are easy to handle. They come in different colors, including white, brown, and speckled.

Bobwhite Quail

Bobwhite quails are native to North America and are often used for game hunting. They are hardy birds, making them suitable for farming in different climates. Bobwhite quails have a distinctive call and are known for their excellent meat quality. They also have a moderate egg production rate.

California Quail

California quails are another popular quail breed for farming. They are hardy birds, can withstand harsh weather conditions, and are adaptable to different environments.

California quails are known for their colorful plumage and unique appearance, making them a popular choice for backyard farms and ornamental purposes.

Gambel’s Quail

Gambel’s quails are native to the southwestern United States and are popular for their meat and ornamental value. They have a unique appearance, with a distinctive head plume and a black, teardrop-shaped patch on their belly. Gambel’s quails are also hardy birds, making them suitable for farming in different climates.

Japanese Quail

Japanese quails are a small breed that is known for their high egg production rate. They are easy to raise and mature quickly, making them a popular choice for commercial quail farming. Japanese quails come in different colors, including white, brown, and black.

Quail Housing

If you’re considering starting a quail farming business, one of the most important considerations is the housing for your quail.

Proper quail housing is essential for the health and well-being of your birds, and can also impact their productivity and egg-laying capabilities. Here are the different types of quail housing and what to consider when choosing the right housing for your flock.

Indoor housing

Indoor housing for quail can take many forms, but the most common type is a commercial quail cage system. These cages are designed to house multiple birds in a confined space, with access to feed and water. They are typically made of wire mesh and can be stacked to maximize space.

Other indoor housing options include converted sheds, garages, or basements that have been outfitted with quail housing equipment.

When choosing indoor housing for your quail, it’s important to consider factors such as ventilation, lighting, and temperature control. Quail require fresh air and adequate ventilation to prevent respiratory problems, so make sure your housing allows for proper air flow.

Quail require 14-16 hours of light per day to maintain egg production, so consider installing artificial lighting in your housing.

Outdoor housing

Outdoor housing for quail can be more challenging, as quail are more vulnerable to predators in an open environment. However, there are several options available for outdoor quail housing.

One popular option is a quail tractor, which is a movable pen that allows your birds to graze on fresh grass while also providing protection from predators.

Other outdoor quail housing options include aviaries, which are enclosed outdoor spaces that allow your birds to fly and exercise, or a modified chicken coop that has been outfitted with quail-specific equipment.

When choosing outdoor housing for your quail, it’s important to consider factors such as protection from predators, adequate space for your birds to move and exercise, and shelter from extreme weather conditions.

Brooder housing

Brooder housing is a temporary housing option for young quail that have just hatched. These small housing units are typically made of plastic or cardboard and are designed to provide a warm and secure environment for your birds.

Brooder housing is essential for the first few weeks of a quail’s life, as they are highly vulnerable to temperature changes and predators.

When choosing brooder housing for your quail, it’s important to consider factors such as temperature control, ventilation, and access to feed and water. Make sure your brooder housing is large enough to allow your birds to move around, but not so large that they become chilled.

Follow the instructions mentioned below while making house or cages for your quails.

  • Quail can be raised in both litter and cage systems. But quail farming in cage system is more suitable than raising them in deep litter system. In cage system, management is very easy and diseases or other problems are less.
  • Make a proper ventilation system and ensure proper flow of air and light inside their house.
  • You can raise 50 quails in a cage measuring 120 cm length, 60 cm wide and 25 cm height.
  • Use wire net for making their cages.
  • Measurement of the net would be 5 mm x 5 mm for adult quails.
  • Plastic cages are most convenient for quail farming business.
  • The house must have to be out of the reach of wild animals. Also take all necessary steps to prevent all types of predators.

Quail Feeding

Quail feeding is a critical aspect of quail farming. Proper nutrition is necessary for the health and growth of your birds, as well as for the quality and quantity of the eggs they produce. Here are the basics of quail feeding and what to consider when developing a feeding program for your flock.

Basic nutritional requirements

Quail require a balanced diet that includes the following components:


Quail require a high protein diet to support growth and egg production. A diet that contains 20-24% protein is recommended for quail.


Quail require carbohydrates for energy. A diet that contains 40-50% carbohydrates is recommended.


Quail require a small amount of fat in their diet to maintain healthy skin and feathers.

Vitamins and minerals

Quail require a variety of vitamins and minerals to support their overall health and immune system.

Types of feed

There are several types of feed available for quail, including:

Commercial quail feed

This is the most common type of feed for quail. Commercial quail feed is specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of quail and is available in various forms, such as crumbles, pellets, or mash.

Homemade feed

Some quail farmers prefer to make their own feed. Homemade feed can be made from a variety of ingredients, such as corn, soybeans, and wheat.

Supplemental feed

In addition to commercial or homemade feed, quail can also benefit from supplemental feed, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, mealworms, and other insects.

Feeding schedule

Quail should be fed on a regular schedule to maintain consistent growth and egg production. A feeding schedule will depend on the age of your birds and the type of feed you are using. For example, young quail may need to be fed more frequently than adult quail.


Water is essential for quail health and should be available at all times. Make sure your quail have access to clean, fresh water that is free from contaminants. Water should be changed daily to prevent bacterial growth.


Overfeeding can lead to health problems, such as obesity and egg-laying issues. Make sure you are feeding your quail the appropriate amount of feed based on their age, weight, and activity level.

For keeping your quails healthy, proper growing and highly productive, provide them balanced feed regularly. An adult quail consumes about 20 to 25 grams of food daily.

Chick feed should contain 27%  and adult feed 22-24% of protein. A chart of balanced feed for quails is shown below.

 0-3 Weeks4-5 WeeksAdult
Broken Wheat485050
Sesame Cake232222
Kipper Fish201614
Rice Bran689
Broken Oyster shell2.253.254.25
Mineral Mix0.250.250.25
Total (Percentage)100100100

Quail Breeding

Quails are naturally very good breeders. They will breed easily and will produce enough fertile eggs for hatching if you keep good ratio of male and female quails in your farm.

Quail breeding is a fascinating and rewarding aspect of quail farming. Whether you are breeding quail for meat or eggs, or simply as a hobby, there are several factors to consider when breeding these small birds. Here are the basics of quail breeding and what to consider when starting a breeding program.

Breeding age and ratio

Quail can start breeding as early as 6-8 weeks of age, but it’s recommended to wait until they are at least 12-14 weeks old before breeding. At this age, quail are sexually mature and ready to mate.

Quail breeding ratios should be one male to two or three females. This ratio will ensure that each female is adequately fertilized and will help prevent fighting among the males.

Breeding environment

The breeding environment for quail should be quiet, calm, and free from disturbances. A separate breeding area can be created by using wire mesh or partitioning off an area in a larger enclosure. Nesting boxes or areas should be provided for the females to lay their eggs.

Breeding behavior

Quail breeding behavior is relatively simple. Males will typically begin to court females by circling around them and making a low, cooing sound. Once a female is receptive, the male will mount her and fertilize her eggs.

Quail eggs will be laid within a day or two of mating. The eggs should be collected daily to prevent them from becoming damaged or dirty. The eggs can be incubated or eaten, depending on the purpose of your breeding program.


Quail eggs can be incubated using a commercial incubator or a homemade incubator. The temperature and humidity levels must be carefully controlled to ensure that the eggs develop properly. Incubation typically takes 17-18 days, and the eggs should be monitored regularly for signs of development.


After hatching, quail chicks should be kept warm and dry in a brooder for the first few weeks of their lives. The brooder should be equipped with a heat lamp and adequate ventilation.

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Quail chicks should be fed a high-protein diet and provided with clean water at all times.

Quail Caring & Other Management

Taking good care of the birds is very important for successful quail farming business.

Quails are very hardy birds, and they generally require less caring. Although, taking good care will help the birds to grow better and produce more.

Monitor your bird’s health on a regular basis, and take necessary steps if you notice anything unusual.

Vaccinate your birds timely, and always try to keep good contact with a vet in your area.

Stock some necessary drugs. Never feed your birds with contaminated feeds and polluted water.

However, quail caring is an important aspect of quail farming. Proper care and management are necessary for the health and productivity of your birds. Here are the basics of quail caring and what to consider when caring for your flock.


Proper housing is essential for the health and well-being of your quail. Whether you choose indoor or outdoor housing, make sure your quail have enough space to move around and exercise. The housing should also be well-ventilated, clean, and free from drafts.


Feeding your quail a balanced diet is crucial for their growth and productivity. Provide your quail with a diet that is high in protein and carbohydrates, and supplement their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, mealworms, and other insects.


Clean, fresh water should be available to your quail at all times. Water should be changed daily to prevent bacterial growth and ensure that your quail have access to clean drinking water.

Health care

Regular health care is important for your quail’s overall health and productivity. Monitor your quail for any signs of illness or disease, and consult with a veterinarian if you notice any issues. Make sure your quail are vaccinated against common diseases and parasites.

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Egg collection

If you are raising quail for their eggs, it’s important to collect the eggs daily to prevent them from becoming damaged or dirty. The eggs can be washed or wiped clean, but should not be stored in water or refrigerated.

Predator control

Quail are vulnerable to predators such as foxes, raccoons, and birds of prey. Make sure your housing is secure and free from any gaps or holes that predators could use to gain access. Consider using deterrents such as motion-activated lights or predator alarms.

Environmental factors

Quail are sensitive to environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and lighting. Make sure your housing is equipped with appropriate heating and cooling systems, and ensure that your quail have access to adequate light to maintain egg production.

Quail Diseases & Their Prevention

Diseases are less in quails, compared to other poultry birds. But you have to take good care and manage them properly, to keep them free from all types of diseases or illness.

Good care and management is a must for profitable quail farming business. Generally they are not provided any disease preventive vaccines.

Quail chicks can’t tolerate weather change, and sudden temperature change. So they get affected by disease, if they experience sudden temperature or weather changes.

However, quail diseases can be a serious issue for quail farmers. Disease outbreaks can cause significant losses in production and revenue, and can even result in the death of your birds. Here we are trying to discuss the most common quail diseases and their prevention.


Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease that affects the intestinal tract of quail. Symptoms include diarrhea, weight loss, and lethargy. Coccidiosis is caused by a protozoan parasite, and can be spread through contaminated food, water, or housing.

Prevention: Regular cleaning and disinfecting of your housing and equipment can help prevent the spread of coccidiosis. Use clean, fresh bedding and provide your quail with clean, fresh water. There are also various commercial coccidiostats that can be added to feed to prevent coccidiosis.

Avian Influenza

Avian Influenza is a viral disease that can affect quail, and can be highly contagious. Symptoms include respiratory distress, coughing, sneezing, and decreased egg production. Avian Influenza is spread through contact with infected birds or their feces.

Prevention: Strict biosecurity measures should be followed to prevent the spread of avian influenza. This includes restricting access to your farm, using dedicated clothing and equipment for handling your quail, and monitoring your flock for any signs of illness.

Newcastle Disease

Newcastle Disease is a viral disease that can affect quail, and can be highly contagious. Symptoms include respiratory distress, diarrhea, and decreased egg production. Newcastle Disease is spread through contact with infected birds or their feces.

Prevention: Strict biosecurity measures should be followed to prevent the spread of Newcastle Disease. Vaccines are available to prevent Newcastle Disease, and regular monitoring of your flock can help identify any potential outbreaks.


Salmonellosis is a bacterial disease that can affect quail, and can be transmitted to humans. Symptoms include diarrhea, weight loss, and lethargy. Salmonellosis is spread through contact with contaminated food, water, or housing.

Prevention: Regular cleaning and disinfecting of your housing and equipment can help prevent the spread of salmonellosis. Use clean, fresh bedding and provide your quail with clean, fresh water. Proper hand hygiene is also essential when handling your quail, especially if you suspect an outbreak of salmonellosis.


Mycoplasmosis is a bacterial disease that can affect quail, and can cause respiratory distress, eye infections, and decreased egg production. Mycoplasmosis is spread through contact with infected birds or their feces.

Prevention: Strict biosecurity measures should be followed to prevent the spread of mycoplasmosis. Vaccines are available to prevent mycoplasmosis, and regular monitoring of your flock can help identify any potential outbreaks.

Quail Vaccination

Quail vaccination is an important aspect of quail farming. Vaccines are used to prevent the spread of common diseases and can help ensure the health and productivity of your flock. In this article, we’ll discuss the most common quail vaccines and what to consider when vaccinating your birds.

Newcastle Disease Vaccine

Newcastle Disease is a highly contagious viral disease that can affect quail, and can cause respiratory distress, diarrhea, and decreased egg production. The Newcastle Disease Vaccine is highly effective at preventing this disease in quail.

The vaccine can be administered through water or injection, and is typically given to young birds before they reach sexual maturity. Booster shots may be required depending on the vaccine used and the level of exposure to the disease.

Fowl Pox Vaccine

Fowl Pox is a viral disease that can affect quail, and can cause skin lesions, respiratory distress, and decreased egg production. The Fowl Pox Vaccine is highly effective at preventing this disease in quail.

The vaccine is typically administered through injection, and may require booster shots depending on the vaccine used and the level of exposure to the disease.

Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine

Infectious Bronchitis is a viral respiratory disease that can affect quail, and can cause respiratory distress, coughing, and decreased egg production. The Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine is highly effective at preventing this disease in quail.

The vaccine can be administered through water or injection, and may require booster shots depending on the vaccine used and the level of exposure to the disease.

Avian Influenza Vaccine

Avian Influenza is a highly contagious viral disease that can affect quail, and can cause respiratory distress, diarrhea, and decreased egg production. The Avian Influenza Vaccine is highly effective at preventing this disease in quail.

The vaccine is typically administered through injection, and may require booster shots depending on the vaccine used and the level of exposure to the disease.

Coccidiosis Vaccine

Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease that can affect the intestinal tract of quail, and can cause diarrhea, weight loss, and lethargy. The Coccidiosis Vaccine is highly effective at preventing this disease in quail.

The vaccine is typically administered through the feed or water, and may require booster shots depending on the vaccine used and the level of exposure to the disease.

Hygienic Quail Rearing Tips

To keep your quails healthy and productive, follow the hygienic quail farming method which are mentioned below.

  • Always try to keep their house dry and clean.
  • Ensure proper movement of light and air inside their house.
  • Keep different aged quails separated from each other.
  • Separate the disease affected quails from the healthy one.
  • Burn the dead bird or put under soil.
  • Don’t allow other birds, animals or unknown persons enter inside your farm quail house.
  • Ensure hygienic and balanced feed supply.
  • Provide adequate fresh and clean water according to their demand.

Marketing Quail Products

Quail meat and eggs are very tasty and highly enriched with nutrient elements. So there is already an established market for quail products. As quail birds and their eggs are small in size, so it is cheap in price and all types of people can purchase. So you don’t have to worry much about marketing your products.

You can easily sell the eggs and meat in your local market. But it will be better if you determine your marketing strategies before starting this business. Because all places around the world have not the same marketing facilities.

However, marketing quail products can be a profitable aspect of quail farming business. Whether you are selling quail meat, eggs, or other products, effective marketing strategies can help you reach your target audience and increase sales. Here are the basics of marketing quail products and what to consider when developing a marketing plan.

Identify your target audience

The first step in marketing quail products is to identify your target audience. Are you selling to local consumers, restaurants, or grocery stores? Understanding your target audience will help you determine the best marketing strategies to reach them.

Develop a brand

Developing a brand for your quail products can help differentiate your products from competitors and increase brand recognition. Consider creating a logo, tagline, and other branding elements that represent your farm and your quail products.


Packaging is an important aspect of marketing quail products. Packaging should be attractive, informative, and functional. Consider using environmentally-friendly packaging materials and including information on the nutritional value of your products.

Online presence

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is essential for marketing quail products. Consider creating a website, social media pages, and online marketplaces to promote your products and reach a wider audience.


Networking with other farmers, businesses, and organizations can help you increase sales and build your brand. Attend local farmers markets, trade shows, and other events to meet potential customers and establish connections with other professionals in the industry.


Educating your customers on the benefits of quail products can help increase sales and build customer loyalty. Consider offering cooking classes or workshops that highlight the nutritional value and versatility of quail meat and eggs.

Customer service

Providing excellent customer service is essential for building customer loyalty and increasing sales. Make sure to respond promptly to customer inquiries and feedback, and address any issues or concerns in a timely manner.

Final Words

In a word, quail farming is playing an important role for fulfilling the daily family nutrition demands and earning livings. And commercial quail farming can be a great source of employment, and earning some extra income along with your current job or profession.

Quail farming is also very entertaining and it is very easy to raise some quails. If you intend to join this business venture, then try to visit some farms in your area. And finally do it.

These are the common steps and ways for starting and operating a successful quail farming business. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck & may God bless you!

Best Quail Farming Tips

There are several tips and best practices that farmers should follow to ensure success in quail farming. Here are the top quail farming tips.

1. Do your research

Before starting a quail farming business, it’s important to do your research and learn as much as you can about quail farming.

2. Choose the right breed

There are many different breeds of quail, each with their own unique characteristics. Choose a breed that is well-suited to your climate and production goals.

3. Plan your space

Quail require adequate space to move around and exercise. Plan your housing and outdoor areas accordingly.

4. Provide adequate lighting

Quail require adequate lighting to maintain egg production. Provide 14-16 hours of light per day.

5. Use clean, fresh bedding

Clean, fresh bedding is essential for the health and productivity of your quail.

6. Provide clean, fresh water

Clean, fresh water should be available to your quail at all times.

7. Feed a balanced diet

Feeding your quail a balanced diet is crucial for their growth and productivity.

8. Vaccinate your birds

Vaccinations can help prevent the spread of common diseases and ensure the health of your flock.

9. Practice good biosecurity

Strict biosecurity measures can help prevent the spread of disease and maintain the health of your flock.

10. Monitor your birds for signs of illness

Regular monitoring of your birds can help identify any potential health issues early.

11. Provide adequate ventilation

Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining healthy air quality in your housing.

12. Keep your housing clean

Regular cleaning and disinfecting of your housing can help prevent the spread of disease.

13. Use appropriate heating and cooling systems

Quail are sensitive to environmental factors such as temperature, and require appropriate heating and cooling systems.

14. Consider using artificial lighting

Artificial lighting can be used to supplement natural lighting and maintain egg production during the winter months.

15. Provide adequate perches and nesting areas

Quail require perches and nesting areas to feel secure and comfortable.

16. Practice humane handling

Humane handling of your quail is essential for their welfare and productivity.

17. Provide access to outdoor areas

Providing access to outdoor areas can help stimulate natural behavior and exercise.

18. Use predator control measures

Quail are vulnerable to predators, and using predator control measures can help protect your flock.

19. Implement a breeding program

Implementing a breeding program can help maintain a healthy and productive flock.

20. Consider using artificial insemination

Artificial insemination can be used to increase breeding efficiency and improve genetics.

21. Monitor egg production

Regular monitoring of egg production can help identify any potential issues with your flock.

22. Collect eggs daily

Collecting eggs daily can help prevent them from becoming damaged or dirty.

23. Store eggs properly

Proper storage of eggs is essential for maintaining their quality and freshness.

24. Consider value-added products

Value-added products such as quail meat and eggs can help increase profitability and diversify your product offerings.

25. Identify your target market

Understanding your target market can help you tailor your product offerings and marketing strategies.

26. Develop a marketing plan

Developing a marketing plan can help you promote your quail products and increase sales.

27. Network with other farmers and businesses

Networking with other farmers and businesses can help you establish connections and increase sales.

28. Consider joining a farmer’s market

Joining a farmers’ market can help you reach a wider audience and increase sales.

29. Provide excellent customer service

Providing excellent customer service is essential for building customer loyalty and increasing sales.

30. Consider alternative sales channels

In addition to farmers’ markets and direct sales, consider alternative sales channels such as online marketplaces or specialty stores.

31. Stay up-to-date on regulations

It’s important to stay up-to-date on local, state, and federal regulations regarding quail farming and product sales.

32. Keep detailed records

Keeping detailed records of your flock and production can help you track performance and make informed decisions.

33. Consider working with a veterinarian

Working with a veterinarian can help ensure the health and productivity of your flock.

34. Attend industry events and workshops

Attending industry events and workshops can help you stay up-to-date on best practices and industry trends.

35. Continuously learn and improve

Continuously learning and improving your quail farming practices can help you maintain a healthy and productive flock and increase profitability.

Related Queries & FAQs

There are lots of questions and queries related to quail farming business. Here we are trying to list the common questions and queries about this profitable business and trying to answer them. Hope you will find answers of your questions or queries. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

What Is Quail Farming?

Before discussing more about commercial quail farming business, let us first explain ‘what is quail farming‘? Actually the term ‘quail farming‘ means, raising quails commercially (like other poultry birds) for the purpose of profitable eggs and meat production.

Why Raising Quails?

Quails are very smaller sized birds. An adult quail weights between 150 to 200 grams and an egg weights around 7 to 15 grams. Female quails start laying eggs within their 6 to 7 weeks of age and continuously lay one egg daily.

They lay about 300 eggs in their first year of life. After that they produce about 150 to 175 eggs in second year. Eggs production gradually decrease after their first year of laying period.

Quail egg is very suitable for human health. It contains 2.47 % less fat than chicken egg. Many people believe that ‘quail eggs help to prevent blood pressure, diabetic, pant etc’.

Quail meat is very tasty and nutritious. Fat is very low in their meat. So quail meat is very suitable for blood pressure patients. Eggs are very beautiful with multiple color. Quails do not incubate their eggs. So you have to use an incubator or brooder chickens for hatching their eggs.

Life Cycle Of Quails

Quail generally survive for 3 to 4 years. An adult quail weights between 150 to 200 grams. Female quails start laying eggs from their 6 to 7 weeks of age. Each egg weights between 7 to 15 grams. They lay more than 300 eggs per year.

Their eggs are very beautiful. Presence of light increase the egg productive efficiency of quails. They usually lay eggs at afternoon. It takes about 17 days to hatch their eggs.

A newly born quail chick weights around 6 to 7 grams. Quail never incubate their eggs. For successful breeding purpose keep one male quail with every five female quails.

Quail chicks become very sensitive and take about two weeks to be strong enough. Eggs of 9 to 11 grams weight with smooth and hard eggshell are perfect for hatching and producing chicks.

Advantages Of Quail Farming Business

Quails are smaller sized poultry birds, and it’s very easy to handle them. The main benefits of starting quail farming business are listed below.

  • Quails are smaller sized bird, so they can be raised within small place.
  • Feeding cost of quails are comparatively lower than chickens or other poultry birds.
  • Diseases are less in quails, and they are very hardy.
  • Quails grow very fast and gain maturity faster than any other poultry birds.
  • They start laying eggs within their 6 to 7 weeks of age.
  • It takes about 16 to 18 days to hatch their eggs.
  • Meat and eggs of quail are very tasty, delicious and nutritious. So it’s a great source of food and nutrition.
  • Quail farming needs small capital, and labor cost is very low.
  • Quails can be raised successfully in commercial method. Some people have already started commercial quail farming business.
  • Quails are very strong bird and diseases or other health problems are less. So risks are less in this business.
  • Quail meat contain less fat. So, it is suitable for high blood pressure patients.
  • Their food to meat or eggs converting efficiency is satisfactory. They can produce one kg meat or eggs by consuming three kg food.
  • You can raise 6 to 7 quails in the same place that is required for one chicken.
  • As the quail eggs are smaller in size, so the price is also lower than other bird’s egg. As a result, all types of people can buy quail eggs and you can easily sell the eggs.
  • As the primary costs are less, so you can start this business with a very little investment.
  • You can raise about 6 to 8 quails within 0.91 squire meter area.
  • As it is a lucrative business venture, so commercial quail farming business can be a great source of income and employment for the unemployed educated people. Even, you can start raising a few quails along with your current profession.

Quail eggs production

Presence of adequate light is highly recommended for desired egg production from your quails. You can provide artificial light and heat by using electric bulb or heater. You can use 40 to 100 watt bulb for this purpose. Demand of light and heat varies depending on the season.

If you want successful breeding and want to hatch their eggs, then keep one male with every five female quails. For getting better egg production, select highly productive  breeds and always keep their house dry and clean.

Egg production also depends on temperature, feeding , water, care and management. To get desired egg production from your quails, light play a vital role. Lightening period of laying quails is shown below through a chat.

AgeTemperature (o Celsius)Light (Hour)
1 Week3524
2 Week3024
3 Week2512
4 Week21-2212
5 Week2112
6 Week2113
7 Week2114
8 Week2115
9 Week2116
Other Time2116

Raising quail chicks

Quails never incubate their eggs. So, you can produce chicks by hatching their eggs through chickens or artificially through using incubators.

Incubation period for quail egg is about 16 to 18 days. For maximum egg production, 16 hours of lighting period is required daily inside the quail house. Keep newly born quail chicks in a brooder house.

Chicks need artificial heat and temperature management system for 14 to 21 days from their birth. Quail chick become very sensitive. They can be raised in both litter and battery system. Keep in mind the following factors while raising quail chicks.

  • Adequate temperature
  • Sufficient light
  • Proper air movement
  • Density of quail chicks
  • Supply of food and water
  • Hygienic rearing rules

Provide the layer quail chick heat and light according to their age. Follow the chart shown below.

Baby AgeTemperature (o Celsius)Light (Hour)
1 Week37.724
2 Week3524
3 Week32.212

Quail farming at home

Quail farming at home is a small-scale farming practice that involves raising quails for their eggs and meat. Quails are easy to raise and require minimal space and resources, making them an ideal choice for backyard farming. They are also hardy and can adapt to different environments.

To start quail farming at home, you will need to build a coop, provide a balanced diet, and ensure the birds have access to clean water. Quails are prolific egg layers, and their eggs are highly nutritious, containing more protein and less cholesterol than chicken eggs. Quail meat is also high in protein and low in fat, making it a healthy alternative to other meats.

Quail farming in Australia

Quail farming in Australia is a small but growing industry that has gained popularity in recent years due to the increased demand for locally produced, sustainable and ethical meat and eggs. There are several species of quails that are farmed in Australia, including the Japanese quail and the Coturnix quail.

Quail farming in Australia is typically done in indoor facilities or outdoor aviaries. The birds are raised on a balanced diet of grains, pellets, and vegetables, and are often kept in small groups to reduce stress and prevent aggression.

Quail eggs and meat are in high demand in Australia, particularly in high-end restaurants and specialty food markets. Quail farming provides a unique opportunity for farmers to diversify their income streams and meet the growing demand for sustainable and ethical food production.

Quail farming benefits

Quail farming is a profitable and sustainable business that has numerous benefits. Firstly, quails are small and require minimal space, making it an ideal venture for small-scale farmers. Secondly, they are prolific layers and can produce up to 300 eggs per year, which are highly nutritious and have a high market value.

Quail meat is also a popular delicacy and is known for its high protein content and low-fat content. Additionally, quail farming has a low environmental impact, as they produce minimal waste and require little feed. Overall, quail farming provides an excellent opportunity for farmers to diversify their income and contribute to food security.

Quail farming business plan

A quail farming business plan is crucial for the success of the venture.

Firstly, it should identify the target market and the demand for quail eggs and meat in the local area.

Secondly, the plan should outline the necessary resources required, such as land, equipment, and labor. It should also consider the costs involved, such as feed, housing, and veterinary care.

A marketing strategy should also be included to attract and retain customers. The plan should consider potential risks and challenges, such as disease outbreaks or changes in market demand. By developing a comprehensive business plan, a quail farmer can ensure the viability and profitability of their venture.

Quail farming book

There are numerous books available on quail farming, offering valuable insights and practical advice for both novice and experienced farmers.

Some popular titles include “The Quail Keeper’s Handbook” by Katie Thear, which covers all aspects of quail rearing, from breeding and incubation to feeding and housing.

Another informative book is “Quail Farming: Everything You Need to Know” by Francis Okumu, which provides a step-by-step guide to setting up a successful quail farming business. Additionally, “Quail Farming for Beginners” by Tim Daniels is a comprehensive guide for those new to quail farming, covering everything from breed selection to marketing strategies.

A good quail farming book can provide valuable information and guidance for farmers looking to start or improve their quail farming operation.

Quail farming cost

The cost of starting a quail farming business can vary depending on the size of the operation and the resources required. Some of the major costs include acquiring land and constructing a suitable housing facility, purchasing equipment such as feeders and waterers, and buying high-quality quail breeds or eggs.

Additional expenses include feed, veterinary care, and labor costs. The cost of starting a small-scale quail farm can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, while larger operations can require tens of thousands of dollars in initial investment.

It’s essential to develop a budget and a detailed business plan to help manage costs and ensure the profitability of the venture.

Quail farming cage design

Quail farming is a popular form of poultry farming that involves raising quails for their eggs and meat. One crucial aspect of quail farming is designing the appropriate housing system, which is often in the form of cages.

The cage design must take into account the welfare and comfort of the quails while maximizing space utilization, cleanliness, and ease of management.

The cage should have enough floor space to accommodate the number of quails intended for the cage. It should also be equipped with feeders and waterers that are easy to access and clean.

The cage should be well-ventilated and insulated to maintain a comfortable temperature for the quails. The cage should be sturdy and durable to withstand the weight of the quails and prevent them from escaping.

Proper sanitation should be considered when designing the cage to minimize the risk of diseases and maintain the health of the quails.

Quail farming cages for sale

If you’re interested in starting a quail farming operation, purchasing pre-made cages can be a great option. There are a variety of quail farming cages available for sale from various suppliers. These cages come in different sizes, materials, and designs to suit different farming needs and budgets.

When considering purchasing quail farming cages, it’s important to ensure that they are well-constructed, safe, and comfortable for the quails. The cages should be made from durable materials that are easy to clean and sanitize. They should also provide enough space for the quails to move around freely and access food and water easily.

Other factors to consider when purchasing quail farming cages for sale include the supplier’s reputation, customer service, and pricing. By doing research and choosing a reputable supplier, you can ensure that you’re investing in a high-quality product that will help you achieve your quail farming goals.

Quail farming equipment

Quail farming requires several pieces of equipment to ensure that the birds are healthy, comfortable, and productive. Some of the essential quail farming equipment includes cages, feeders, waterers, incubators, brooders, and egg trays.

The cages should be designed to provide adequate space for the birds, while the feeders and waterers should be positioned in a way that makes them easily accessible to the birds. Incubators and brooders are essential equipment for hatching and raising quail chicks.

Other equipment used in quail farming includes egg collectors, egg washers, and egg grading machines. These devices help to ensure that the eggs produced are clean, uniform, and of high quality.

When selecting quail farming equipment, it’s important to choose high-quality, durable equipment that is designed for your specific farming needs. Proper maintenance and cleaning of the equipment are also essential to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the equipment.

Quail farming for beginners

Quail farming can be an excellent option for beginners in the poultry farming industry due to their low capital investment, easy maintenance, and high productivity. Quails are small birds that require less space, feed, and water compared to other poultry birds, making them ideal for small-scale farming.

To start quail farming, beginners should do proper research, plan, and prepare before venturing into the business. They should consider factors such as location, breed selection, housing, feeding, and marketing. It’s also essential to have adequate knowledge on quail farming practices, including hatching, brooding, feeding, and disease prevention.

Quail farming can be a profitable and fulfilling venture for beginners who are willing to learn, work hard, and invest in quality equipment and management practices.

Quail farming for profits

Quail farming can be a profitable business venture when done correctly. The birds have a high reproductive rate and can reach maturity in a short period, allowing for quick returns on investment. Quails are also known for their high-quality meat and eggs, which can fetch premium prices in the market.

To maximize profits in quail farming, it’s essential to implement efficient management practices, including proper feeding, housing, disease prevention, and marketing strategies. Quail farmers should also focus on selecting high-yield breeds that are well-suited for their local environment.

Market research is critical to ensure that the products meet consumer demand and fetch high prices. Quail farming can provide a steady source of income for farmers who are willing to invest in quality equipment, management practices, and marketing strategies.

Quail farming for meat

Quail farming for meat production is a lucrative business opportunity due to the birds’ high protein content, tender meat, and unique flavor. Quails have a high feed conversion ratio, meaning they require less feed compared to other poultry birds to produce a kilogram of meat, making them a cost-effective option.

When farming quails for meat production, it’s important to select breeds that are well-suited for meat production, such as the Jumbo Coturnix quail. The birds should be raised in a clean and hygienic environment and fed a balanced diet to ensure optimal growth and development.

Quail meat can be sold fresh or frozen in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants, providing a steady source of income for quail farmers.

Quail farming for eggs

Quail farming for egg production is a popular venture due to the birds’ high egg-laying capacity and the nutritional value of their eggs. Quail eggs are known for their high protein, low-fat content, and unique flavor, making them a popular ingredient in many cuisines.

To farm quails for egg production, it’s important to select breeds that are well-suited for egg-laying, such as the Japanese quail. The birds should be provided with a clean and hygienic environment, a balanced diet, and adequate lighting to stimulate egg production.

Quail eggs can be sold fresh or boiled in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants, providing a reliable source of income for quail farmers.

Quail farming history

Quail farming has a rich history that dates back centuries. The birds were originally domesticated in Asia for their meat and eggs and were later introduced to Europe and other parts of the world.

In ancient Rome, quails were considered a delicacy and were often served at banquets and feasts. The birds were also used for sport, and quail hunting became a popular pastime among the nobility.

During World War II, quails were kept in prisoner-of-war camps and were used to supplement the diets of soldiers. After the war, quail farming continued to gain popularity, with quail meat and eggs becoming popular food items in many countries.

Today, quail farming is a thriving industry, providing a reliable source of income for farmers and meeting the demand for high-quality meat and eggs in local and international markets.

Quail farming income

Quail farming can provide a reliable source of income for farmers who are willing to invest in quality equipment and management practices. The income potential in quail farming depends on several factors, including the number of birds, the production purpose (meat or eggs), the quality of the birds, and the market demand.

Quail farmers can earn income from selling live birds, meat, eggs, and other products such as feathers and manure. The prices of these products depend on the market demand, which can vary based on the season and consumer preferences.

Overall, quail farming can be a profitable business venture, with farmers earning a steady source of income by implementing efficient management practices, focusing on high-yield breeds, and developing effective marketing strategies.

Quail farming in India

Quail farming is a growing industry in India, with many farmers starting to raise quails for their meat and eggs. The demand for quail products has increased due to their high nutritional value and unique taste, making them a popular ingredient in many cuisines.

Quail farming in India is primarily done on a small-scale, with farmers raising birds in backyard settings or small farms. The birds are easy to maintain and require less space, making them ideal for small-scale farming.

The market for quail products in India is expanding, with quail meat and eggs being sold in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants. Quail farming has the potential to provide a reliable source of income for farmers in India and can contribute to the country’s food security.

Quail farming in the Philippines

Quail farming is a growing industry in the Philippines, with many farmers turning to quail production as a profitable business venture. The demand for quail products, such as meat and eggs, is high due to their unique flavor and high nutritional value.

Quail farming in the Philippines is typically done on a small-scale, with farmers raising birds in backyard settings or small farms. The birds are easy to maintain and require less space, making them an ideal choice for small-scale farmers.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants, providing a steady source of income for farmers. Quail farming has the potential to contribute to the country’s food security and provide employment opportunities for rural communities.

Quail farming in USA

Quail farming in the USA is a growing industry, with farmers raising quails for meat and eggs. The demand for quail products has increased due to their unique flavor, high nutritional value, and versatility in the kitchen.

Quail farming in the USA is typically done on a larger scale than in other countries, with farmers raising birds in specialized facilities designed for optimal growth and production. The birds are bred for high yield and are fed a balanced diet to ensure optimal growth and development.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and high-end restaurants, providing a lucrative source of income for farmers. Quail farming has the potential to contribute to the country’s food security and provide employment opportunities in rural communities.

Quail farming in Canada

Quail farming in Canada is a growing industry, with farmers raising quails for their meat and eggs. The demand for quail products has increased due to their unique taste, high nutritional value, and suitability for various cuisines.

Quail farming in Canada is typically done on a smaller scale, with farmers raising birds in backyard settings or small farms. The birds are easy to maintain and require less space, making them an ideal choice for small-scale farmers.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and high-end restaurants, providing a reliable source of income for farmers. Quail farming has the potential to contribute to the country’s food security and provide employment opportunities in rural communities.

Quail farming in Nigeria

Quail farming in Nigeria is a growing industry, with farmers raising quails for their meat and eggs. The demand for quail products has increased due to their high nutritional value, unique taste, and cultural significance.

Quail farming in Nigeria is primarily done on a small-scale, with farmers raising birds in backyard settings or small farms. The birds are easy to maintain and require less space, making them ideal for small-scale farming.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants, providing a steady source of income for farmers. Quail farming has the potential to contribute to the country’s food security and provide employment opportunities for rural communities.

However, challenges such as poor infrastructure, limited access to finance and technology, and inadequate government support have hindered the growth of the industry.

Quail farming in Kenya

Quail farming in Kenya is a growing industry, with farmers raising quails for their meat and eggs. The demand for quail products has increased due to their high nutritional value and unique taste, making them a popular ingredient in many cuisines.

Quail farming in Kenya is typically done on a small-scale, with farmers raising birds in backyard settings or small farms. The birds are easy to maintain and require less space, making them ideal for small-scale farming.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants, providing a steady source of income for farmers. Quail farming has the potential to contribute to the country’s food security and provide employment opportunities for rural communities.

However, challenges such as disease outbreaks, inadequate infrastructure, and limited access to finance and technology have hindered the growth of the industry.

Quail farming in Japan

Quail farming in Japan is a well-established industry, with farmers raising quails for their meat and eggs. The demand for quail products is high due to their unique flavor and high nutritional value, making them popular in many Japanese dishes.

Quail farming in Japan is typically done on a larger scale than in other countries, with farmers raising birds in specialized facilities designed for optimal growth and production. The birds are bred for high yield and are fed a balanced diet to ensure optimal growth and development.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and high-end restaurants, providing a lucrative source of income for farmers.

Quail farming has contributed significantly to the country’s food security and provided employment opportunities in rural communities. The Japanese government provides support and incentives to encourage the growth of the industry.

Quail farming in Bangladesh

Quail farming in Bangladesh is a growing industry, with farmers raising quails for their meat and eggs. The demand for quail products has increased due to their high nutritional value and unique taste, making them a popular ingredient in many dishes.

Quail farming in Bangladesh is typically done on a small-scale, with farmers raising birds in backyard settings or small farms. The birds are easy to maintain and require less space, making them ideal for small-scale farming.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants, providing a steady source of income for farmers. Quail farming has the potential to contribute to the country’s food security and provide employment opportunities for rural communities.

However, challenges such as disease outbreaks, inadequate infrastructure, and limited access to finance and technology have hindered the growth of the industry.

Quail farming jobs

Quail farming provides a variety of job opportunities, including farm managers, hatchery workers, feeders, caretakers, and sales representatives.

Farm managers oversee the daily operations of the farm, ensuring that the quails are healthy and productive, while hatchery workers focus on breeding and hatching new quail chicks.

Feeders and caretakers are responsible for feeding and caring for the birds, while sales representatives market and sell the quail products.

Quail farming can provide employment opportunities for both skilled and unskilled workers, with various levels of education and experience.

As the demand for quail products continues to increase, the industry is expected to provide more job opportunities, especially in rural communities where employment options may be limited.

Quail farming license

Quail farming licenses may be required by local, state, or national governments depending on the location and scale of the operation. The regulations and requirements for obtaining a quail farming license vary depending on the country and jurisdiction.

To obtain a quail farming license, farmers may need to complete specific training or education courses, have suitable facilities for quail farming, demonstrate knowledge of quail husbandry, and adhere to biosecurity and animal welfare regulations. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in fines or the revocation of the license.

It is important for prospective quail farmers to research and understand the requirements for obtaining a license in their area before starting a quail farming operation.

Quail farming manual pdf

A quail farming manual in PDF format provides detailed information on how to start and operate a successful quail farming business. The manual typically covers all aspects of quail farming, including breeding, housing, feeding, disease control, and marketing.

A quail farming manual can be a valuable resource for beginners and experienced farmers alike, providing a comprehensive guide to quail farming practices and techniques. It can also help farmers improve their production, efficiency, and profitability.

Many quail farming manuals in PDF format can be found online, either for free or for a fee. It is important to ensure that the manual is from a reputable source and is up-to-date with the latest information and best practices.

Quail farming methods

Quail farming methods vary depending on the scale of the operation and the goals of the farmer. Common methods include backyard or small-scale farming, semi-intensive farming, and intensive farming.

Backyard or small-scale quail farming typically involves raising a small number of quails in a backyard or on a small farm. The birds are often raised for personal consumption or sold locally.

Semi-intensive quail farming involves raising a larger number of birds in more extensive facilities than backyard farming. The birds are typically raised for meat or eggs, and the farm may incorporate some level of automation and commercial feed.

Intensive quail farming involves raising a high number of birds in highly-controlled environments that maximize production and efficiency. This method is commonly used in commercial quail farming operations, where the birds are raised for meat or eggs on a large scale.

Quail farming project report

A quail farming project report is a document that outlines the details of a proposed or existing quail farming operation. The report typically includes a summary of the business plan, financial projections, marketing strategies, and other relevant information.

A quail farming project report can be used to secure financing from banks or investors, as it provides a detailed analysis of the potential profitability of the business. It can also help farmers track the progress of their operation, identify areas of improvement, and make informed decisions.

The content and structure of a quail farming project report may vary depending on the purpose and audience. However, it should provide a comprehensive overview of the quail farming business and its potential for success.

Quail farming system

Quail farming systems refer to the different ways that quail are raised and managed in a farming operation. There are several types of quail farming systems, including free-range, semi-intensive, and intensive systems.

Free range

Free-range quail farming allows the birds to roam freely outdoors, foraging for food and sheltering in natural surroundings. This system is popular among small-scale and backyard farmers.

Semi intensive

Semi-intensive quail farming involves raising the birds in larger enclosures, where they have access to outdoor space but are fed a commercial diet. This system is often used in commercial operations for egg and meat production.


Intensive quail farming involves raising the birds in a highly-controlled indoor environment, where they are fed a specialized diet and managed for maximum production. This system is commonly used in large-scale commercial quail farming operations.

Quail farming supplies

Quail farming supplies are essential equipment, materials, and tools required to successfully run a quail farming operation. Some of the common supplies include:

  1. Quail cages or housing materials
  2. Feeding and watering equipment
  3. Incubators and brooders for hatching and raising chicks
  4. Egg collection and cleaning tools
  5. Lighting and heating equipment for temperature control
  6. Feed and supplements for quail nutrition
  7. Health and disease control products, such as vaccines and medications
  8. Egg trays and packaging materials for sale and transportation

Quail farming vs chicken farming

Quail farming and chicken farming have some similarities and differences. Both involve raising birds for meat and eggs, but there are some key differences in terms of the requirements and benefits of each farming method.

Quails require less space and feed than chickens, making them suitable for small-scale or backyard farming. They also mature faster and have a shorter lifespan, making it possible to get multiple generations of birds in a shorter period.

However, chickens produce larger eggs and meat, making them more suitable for commercial production. They also require more space and feed, making them more expensive to raise than quails.

The choice between quail farming and chicken farming depends on the scale and goals of the farming operation.

Quail farming vs duck farming

Quail farming and duck farming are two distinct methods of bird farming with some similarities and differences. Both are popular for their egg and meat production, but there are significant differences in terms of requirements and benefits.

Ducks require larger living spaces and water sources, making them less suitable for small-scale or backyard farming. However, they are well-suited for wetlands and marshy areas and can even be raised for their feathers.

Quails, on the other hand, require less space and can be easily housed indoors. They mature faster and have a shorter lifespan than ducks, allowing for quicker production.

The choice between quail farming and duck farming depends on the goals, resources, and location of the farming operation.

Quail farming vs pigeon farming

Quail farming and pigeon farming are two distinct methods of bird farming with some similarities and differences. Both are popular for their meat and egg production, but there are significant differences in terms of requirements and benefits.

Pigeons require larger living spaces and have a unique set of nutritional needs that may require specialized feed. They are also known for their ability to find their way home and are often used for racing or as pets.

Quails require less space and can be easily housed indoors. They mature faster and have a shorter lifespan than pigeons, allowing for quicker production.

The choice between quail farming and pigeon farming depends on the goals, resources, and location of the farming operation.

Quail farming future

Quail farming is an emerging industry that has gained significant traction in recent years, particularly in developing countries where there is a growing demand for healthy and affordable protein sources. The future of quail farming looks promising, as the global population continues to grow and demand for alternative sources of protein increases.

One of the major factors driving the growth of quail farming is their unique nutritional profile. Quail meat and eggs are considered to be healthier than chicken and other poultry products due to their low-fat and low-cholesterol content. This has led to an increased demand for quail products in health-conscious markets, including the organic and natural food sector.

Another key driver of the future of quail farming is their low resource requirements. Quails require less space, feed, and water than other types of poultry, making them an attractive option for small-scale and backyard farming. They are also known for their fast maturity rate and high reproductive capacity, making them ideal for commercial production.

Furthermore, quail farming has the potential to create employment opportunities, particularly in rural areas where poverty and unemployment rates are high. As the demand for quail products continues to rise, it is expected that more farmers will take up quail farming as a means of income generation.

However, there are also some challenges that may affect the future of quail farming. One of these is the lack of standardization in breeding practices and product quality, which may affect consumer confidence in quail products. There is a need for more research and development in quail farming to improve breeding techniques and product quality.

Is quail farming business profitable?

Is raising quails commercially is very profitable. Quails are amazing birds. They require less space and less food, but produce high quality meat and eggs. So, if you have good facilities for marketing quail products (meat and eggs) then your production will be highly profitable.

How to start quail farming business?

Starting a profitable quail farming business is very easy and simple. First of all, you have to make very good and secure housing system for your birds. Then purchase chicks from any of your local suppliers, feed them good quality poultry feed and fresh water and always try to take good care of them. And finally, your birds will start laying small colorful eggs.

quail farming, quails, quail farming business, commercial quail farming, commercial quail farming business, what is quail farming, quail picture, profitable quail farming

How many eggs do quail lay per month?

The most popular Coturnix quail lay one eggs almost daily. On an average, a quail can lay about 300 eggs per year.

Is quail farming profitable in Nigeria?

Yes, commercial quail farming is definitely a profitable business in Nigeria. But you have to have good marketing facilities for making this business highly profitable. So, ensure the quail products have good demand and value in your area. Determine your marketing strategies before starting this business.

How fast do quail grow?

Quails grow relatively faster, and they generally reach maturity within their 6 weeks of age.

How many times a day do you feed quails?

In commercial farms, the quails are generally feed twice a day.

What food does quail eat?

In commercial production, the quails are feed with layer poultry feeds. Actually, quails are considered omnivores and they eat both plant-based and animal-based food.

How do quail farmers make money?

Quail farmers usually make money by selling quail eggs and meat.

Is there a market for quail?

Yes, and the market is growing continuously. Both meat and eggs of quail are becoming popular gradually.

What month do quail lay eggs?

The Coturnix quails lay eggs throughout the year in commercial farms.

How long do quails live for?

Average lifespan of the farm quails is between 3 and 6 years.

Can quail live with chickens?

Yes, you can keep quails with your chickens. But quails are good escape artists. So, you have to make the house highly secure. And having a separate coop section inside the house for the quails will be very good.

How many quail should I start with?

Depends on your budget. You can start with just 10 birds or as many as hundreds or even thousands of birds.

How many quail can I keep together?

If you raise the quails in cage system, then we recommend having no more than 10 quails in one cage. But if you raise them in floor system, then there is actually no limits.

quail farming, quails, quail farming business, commercial quail farming, commercial quail farming business, what is quail farming, quail picture, profitable quail farming

How do you give quail water?

You can use either nipple waterers or poultry cups for providing water to your birds. One nipple or cup should be provided for every 5 birds.

Do quail eat rice?

Yes, they can eat rice.

Is there a demand for quail?

Please visit any of your local or nearest poultry market, and try to understand the demand for quail in your area.

How hard is it to raise quails?

Raising quails is very easy and simple. Even the beginners can also raise them easily.

Is quail healthier than chicken?

Yes, quail products are healthier than chicken products.

Do quails lay eggs without a male?

Yes, they will lay eggs without males. Actually, males have no function in eggs production. Males are only necessary only if you want to produce fertilized eggs for hatching.

Do quails fly away?

Yes, quails will fly away if they get the chance to do so.

Do quails eat worms?

Yes, obviously, and will love to have some worms.

Do quail need sunlight?

Thousands are quails in commercial farms are raised without sunlight.

What bedding do you use for quails?

You can use the low cost and easily available materials for bedding. You can use grass hay, straw, pine shavings or even sand.

At what age do quails start laying eggs?

The quails generally become mature within their 6 weeks of age. And the Coturnix quail generally start laying eggs within their 7 weeks of age.

What is the price of quail eggs?

Exact price greatly vary from place to place. So, visit your nearest stores for latest price.

What temperature do quail need?

37.7°C for their fist week, 35°C in the second week and 32.2°C in the third week. And from their 4 weeks of age, they will be able to survive normal room temperature.

What is the best food for quail?

Commercial layer chicken food will be best for the laying quails.

What do quail eat naturally?

The wild quails will naturally forage grains and seeds and finish their diet with insects, plants, small nuts, and berries.

What vegetables do quails eat?

Lettucebroccoli, clover, lotus, celeryradish, peas etc.

What grains do quails eat?

Wheat, broken rice, cracked corn, rye, barleymillet etc.

What seeds do quails eat?

Ragweed, foxtail, annual broomweed, queen’s-delight, plains bristlegrass etc.

How much food do quail eat per day?

Quails are smaller in size, and they generally require less food. 20-30 grams food a day will be enough for a mature quail.

What is the biggest breed of quail?

Mountain quail is the largest quail.

What is the benefits

Quail Farming: Highly Profitable Business With 35 Tips

Last Updated: March 17, 2023 / By Staff Quail / 56 minutes of reading


Commercial quail farming has become a very popular business among the beginners. It is very profitable an very easy start. As far as we have experienced, quail farming business is very easy, lucrative and entertaining. Anyone can start this business with little investment.

It’s very easy to maintain a quail farm, because quails are among the smallest species of poultry birds. The Japanese scientists first tamed the wild quails and revealed the ways to raise them as domestic birds.

Commercial quail farming in Japan has spread tremendously. Now, people throughout the world performing quail farming business commercially for the purpose of meat and egg production. Quail farming is very profitable like other farming ventures, such as chickenturkey or duck farming business.

Almost all types of weather conditions are suitable for starting quail farming business. Meat and eggs of quail are very tasty and nutritious.

Quail eggs are very nutritious than other poultry eggs. Because quail eggs contain comparatively more protein, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B1 and B2.

Quail farming can play a vital role to meet up the demand of food and nutrition. Quail farming business require small capital and labor. Quails can be raised along with your other poultry birds for meat or eggs production.

Table of Contents

How to Start Quail Farming Business

As quails are smaller sized poultry birds, so it’s very easy to establish a quail farm. Make a proper quail farming business plan before starting. And work according to the plan.

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A proper business plan should include breeds, housing, feeding, care and marketing strategies. Here we are shortly describing every steps.

Complete a Quail Farming Training

To succeed in the quail farming business, you need to have the necessary knowledge and skills. This is where quail farming training comes in.

Quail farming training is essential for both beginners and experienced farmers. It provides the knowledge and skills needed to start, operate and manage a successful quail farm.

Benefits of Quail Farming Training

Here are some of the benefits of quail farming training:

Learn about quail farming basics

Quail farming training teaches you about the basics of quail farming. You will learn about the different breeds of quails, their characteristics, and how to choose the right breed for your farm. You will also learn about quail behavior, housing requirements, and feeding.

Understand the quail egg production cycle

Quail farming training covers the egg production cycle, from incubation to hatching and egg collection. You will learn about the ideal temperature and humidity levels for incubation, as well as how to care for the hatchlings.

Learn about quail meat production

Quail farming training also covers quail meat production. You will learn about the different cuts of meat, how to process the meat, and how to package and store it.

Understand disease prevention and control

Quail farming training teaches you about disease prevention and control. You will learn about the common diseases that affect quails, their symptoms, and how to prevent them. You will also learn about biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of diseases.

Receive guidance on business management

Quail farming training also provides guidance on business management. You will learn about marketing, record keeping, financial management, and other aspects of running a successful quail farm.

How to receive quail farming training?

Now we will discuss how to receive quail farming training and what to expect from the process.

Research available training programs

The first step to receiving quail farming training is to research the available programs in your area. Look for training programs offered by government agencies, universities, and agricultural organizations. You can also search for online courses and tutorials that teach the basics of quail farming.

Attend a training course

Once you have identified potential training programs, attend a course that suits your needs. In-person courses can provide hands-on training and opportunities to network with other farmers.

quail farming, quails, quail farming business, commercial quail farming, commercial quail farming business, what is quail farming, quail picture, profitable quail farming

Online courses may offer more flexibility in terms of scheduling and can be a more affordable option. Look for courses that cover topics such as quail behavior, nutrition, housing, and disease prevention.

Find a mentor

In addition to formal training programs, finding a mentor can be an excellent way to learn about quail farming. Look for an experienced quail farmer in your area and ask if they would be willing to mentor you.

You can also join local farming associations and organizations to meet other quail farmers and build a support network.

Read books and articles

There are many books and articles available on quail farming that can supplement your training. Look for publications written by experienced quail farmers, and those that cover a variety of topics, from breeding and incubation to marketing and sales.

Reading widely can give you a more comprehensive understanding of quail farming and help you troubleshoot problems as they arise.

Attend farming conferences and event

Attending farming conferences and events can be a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques in quail farming. Look for events that are specific to quail farming or that are focused on small-scale agriculture.

These events can provide opportunities to meet other farmers, learn from experts, and discover new products and services.

Make a Quail Farming Business Plan

Making a good and effective business plan is very important for successful quail farming business. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write a quail farming business plan:

Executive Summary

This section should give a brief overview of your business. It should include your business objectives, mission statement, products or services, target market, and financial projections.

Company Description

In this section, you should provide a detailed description of your business. You should include information such as the legal structure of the business, ownership structure, location, and history.

Market Analysis

This section should analyze the market potential for quail products in your area. You should research the current demand for quail meat and eggs, the competition, pricing, and consumer trends.

Products and Services

This section should describe the quail products you will be offering, including the different breeds of quail you will raise, the egg production cycle, and the types of meat products you will sell.

Marketing and Sales

In this section, you should outline your marketing and sales strategy. You should explain how you will promote your business, attract customers, and generate sales.

Operations and Management

This section should detail the day-to-day operations of your business, including the farm design, equipment and supplies, and the processes for raising quails, collecting eggs, and processing meat.

quail farming, quails, quail farming business, commercial quail farming, commercial quail farming business, what is quail farming, quail picture, profitable quail farming

Financial Projections

This section should provide detailed financial projections, including the startup costs, revenue, and expenses. You should also include a break-even analysis, cash flow statement, and profit and loss statement.


In the conclusion section, you should summarize the key points of your business plan and emphasize the potential for success in the quail farming business.

Determine the Quail Products

Quail farming is a lucrative business that involves raising quails for their meat and eggs. Quail products are becoming increasingly popular due to their unique taste and numerous health benefits. Here are the different quail farming products and their uses.

Quail Eggs

Quail eggs are one of the most popular quail farming products. They are smaller than chicken eggs but contain more nutrients, including vitamins A, B2, and B12.

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Quail eggs are also high in protein and low in cholesterol, making them a healthy choice for consumers. They are used in various dishes, including salads, sandwiches, and sushi.

Quail Meat

Quail meat is another popular quail farming product. It is known for its tender texture and unique taste, which is slightly gamey and sweet.

Quail meat is also low in fat and high in protein, making it a healthy alternative to other types of meat. It is used in various dishes, including stews, curries, and grilled dishes.

Quail Feathers

Quail feathers are often used in crafts and decorative items. They come in different colors and patterns, making them ideal for creating unique designs. Quail feathers are also used in fly fishing, where they are tied to the hook to mimic insects.

Quail Manure

Quail manure is a valuable fertilizer for gardens and crops. It is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential nutrients for plant growth. Quail manure is also low in odor and easy to handle, making it an excellent choice for organic farming.

Quail Chicks

Quail chicks are sold to farmers who want to start their own quail farming business. They are easy to raise and mature quickly, making them a popular choice for commercial quail farming.

Select Right Quail Breeds

At present there are 18 species of quails are available, which are very suitable for profitable quail farming business. Some of these breeds are famous for egg production and some are popular for meat production. According to their production, quail breeds are of two types such as broilers and layers.

By the way, when starting a quail farm, one of the essential decisions to make is selecting the right quail breed. There are several quail breeds to choose from, and each has its unique characteristics and advantages. Here are some of the most popular quail breeds for farming.

Coturnix Quail

Coturnix quails are one of the most popular breeds for quail farming. They are easy to raise, have high egg production rates, and mature quickly. Coturnix quails are also known for their calm temperament and are easy to handle. They come in different colors, including white, brown, and speckled.

Bobwhite Quail

Bobwhite quails are native to North America and are often used for game hunting. They are hardy birds, making them suitable for farming in different climates. Bobwhite quails have a distinctive call and are known for their excellent meat quality. They also have a moderate egg production rate.

California Quail

California quails are another popular quail breed for farming. They are hardy birds, can withstand harsh weather conditions, and are adaptable to different environments.

California quails are known for their colorful plumage and unique appearance, making them a popular choice for backyard farms and ornamental purposes.

Gambel’s Quail

Gambel’s quails are native to the southwestern United States and are popular for their meat and ornamental value. They have a unique appearance, with a distinctive head plume and a black, teardrop-shaped patch on their belly. Gambel’s quails are also hardy birds, making them suitable for farming in different climates.

Japanese Quail

Japanese quails are a small breed that is known for their high egg production rate. They are easy to raise and mature quickly, making them a popular choice for commercial quail farming. Japanese quails come in different colors, including white, brown, and black.

Quail Housing

If you’re considering starting a quail farming business, one of the most important considerations is the housing for your quail.

Proper quail housing is essential for the health and well-being of your birds, and can also impact their productivity and egg-laying capabilities. Here are the different types of quail housing and what to consider when choosing the right housing for your flock.

Indoor housing

Indoor housing for quail can take many forms, but the most common type is a commercial quail cage system. These cages are designed to house multiple birds in a confined space, with access to feed and water. They are typically made of wire mesh and can be stacked to maximize space.

Other indoor housing options include converted sheds, garages, or basements that have been outfitted with quail housing equipment.

When choosing indoor housing for your quail, it’s important to consider factors such as ventilation, lighting, and temperature control. Quail require fresh air and adequate ventilation to prevent respiratory problems, so make sure your housing allows for proper air flow.

Quail require 14-16 hours of light per day to maintain egg production, so consider installing artificial lighting in your housing.

Outdoor housing

Outdoor housing for quail can be more challenging, as quail are more vulnerable to predators in an open environment. However, there are several options available for outdoor quail housing.

One popular option is a quail tractor, which is a movable pen that allows your birds to graze on fresh grass while also providing protection from predators.

Other outdoor quail housing options include aviaries, which are enclosed outdoor spaces that allow your birds to fly and exercise, or a modified chicken coop that has been outfitted with quail-specific equipment.

When choosing outdoor housing for your quail, it’s important to consider factors such as protection from predators, adequate space for your birds to move and exercise, and shelter from extreme weather conditions.

Brooder housing

Brooder housing is a temporary housing option for young quail that have just hatched. These small housing units are typically made of plastic or cardboard and are designed to provide a warm and secure environment for your birds.

Brooder housing is essential for the first few weeks of a quail’s life, as they are highly vulnerable to temperature changes and predators.

When choosing brooder housing for your quail, it’s important to consider factors such as temperature control, ventilation, and access to feed and water. Make sure your brooder housing is large enough to allow your birds to move around, but not so large that they become chilled.

Follow the instructions mentioned below while making house or cages for your quails.

  • Quail can be raised in both litter and cage systems. But quail farming in cage system is more suitable than raising them in deep litter system. In cage system, management is very easy and diseases or other problems are less.
  • Make a proper ventilation system and ensure proper flow of air and light inside their house.
  • You can raise 50 quails in a cage measuring 120 cm length, 60 cm wide and 25 cm height.
  • Use wire net for making their cages.
  • Measurement of the net would be 5 mm x 5 mm for adult quails.
  • Plastic cages are most convenient for quail farming business.
  • The house must have to be out of the reach of wild animals. Also take all necessary steps to prevent all types of predators.

Quail Feeding

Quail feeding is a critical aspect of quail farming. Proper nutrition is necessary for the health and growth of your birds, as well as for the quality and quantity of the eggs they produce. Here are the basics of quail feeding and what to consider when developing a feeding program for your flock.

Basic nutritional requirements

Quail require a balanced diet that includes the following components:


Quail require a high protein diet to support growth and egg production. A diet that contains 20-24% protein is recommended for quail.


Quail require carbohydrates for energy. A diet that contains 40-50% carbohydrates is recommended.


Quail require a small amount of fat in their diet to maintain healthy skin and feathers.

Vitamins and minerals

Quail require a variety of vitamins and minerals to support their overall health and immune system.

Types of feed

There are several types of feed available for quail, including:

Commercial quail feed

This is the most common type of feed for quail. Commercial quail feed is specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of quail and is available in various forms, such as crumbles, pellets, or mash.

Homemade feed

Some quail farmers prefer to make their own feed. Homemade feed can be made from a variety of ingredients, such as corn, soybeans, and wheat.

Supplemental feed

In addition to commercial or homemade feed, quail can also benefit from supplemental feed, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, mealworms, and other insects.

Feeding schedule

Quail should be fed on a regular schedule to maintain consistent growth and egg production. A feeding schedule will depend on the age of your birds and the type of feed you are using. For example, young quail may need to be fed more frequently than adult quail.


Water is essential for quail health and should be available at all times. Make sure your quail have access to clean, fresh water that is free from contaminants. Water should be changed daily to prevent bacterial growth.


Overfeeding can lead to health problems, such as obesity and egg-laying issues. Make sure you are feeding your quail the appropriate amount of feed based on their age, weight, and activity level.

For keeping your quails healthy, proper growing and highly productive, provide them balanced feed regularly. An adult quail consumes about 20 to 25 grams of food daily.

Chick feed should contain 27%  and adult feed 22-24% of protein. A chart of balanced feed for quails is shown below.

 0-3 Weeks4-5 WeeksAdult
Broken Wheat485050
Sesame Cake232222
Kipper Fish201614
Rice Bran689
Broken Oyster shell2.253.254.25
Mineral Mix0.250.250.25
Total (Percentage)100100100

Quail Breeding

Quails are naturally very good breeders. They will breed easily and will produce enough fertile eggs for hatching if you keep good ratio of male and female quails in your farm.

Quail breeding is a fascinating and rewarding aspect of quail farming. Whether you are breeding quail for meat or eggs, or simply as a hobby, there are several factors to consider when breeding these small birds. Here are the basics of quail breeding and what to consider when starting a breeding program.

Breeding age and ratio

Quail can start breeding as early as 6-8 weeks of age, but it’s recommended to wait until they are at least 12-14 weeks old before breeding. At this age, quail are sexually mature and ready to mate.

Quail breeding ratios should be one male to two or three females. This ratio will ensure that each female is adequately fertilized and will help prevent fighting among the males.

Breeding environment

The breeding environment for quail should be quiet, calm, and free from disturbances. A separate breeding area can be created by using wire mesh or partitioning off an area in a larger enclosure. Nesting boxes or areas should be provided for the females to lay their eggs.

Breeding behavior

Quail breeding behavior is relatively simple. Males will typically begin to court females by circling around them and making a low, cooing sound. Once a female is receptive, the male will mount her and fertilize her eggs.

Quail eggs will be laid within a day or two of mating. The eggs should be collected daily to prevent them from becoming damaged or dirty. The eggs can be incubated or eaten, depending on the purpose of your breeding program.


Quail eggs can be incubated using a commercial incubator or a homemade incubator. The temperature and humidity levels must be carefully controlled to ensure that the eggs develop properly. Incubation typically takes 17-18 days, and the eggs should be monitored regularly for signs of development.


After hatching, quail chicks should be kept warm and dry in a brooder for the first few weeks of their lives. The brooder should be equipped with a heat lamp and adequate ventilation.

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Quail chicks should be fed a high-protein diet and provided with clean water at all times.

Quail Caring & Other Management

Taking good care of the birds is very important for successful quail farming business.

Quails are very hardy birds, and they generally require less caring. Although, taking good care will help the birds to grow better and produce more.

Monitor your bird’s health on a regular basis, and take necessary steps if you notice anything unusual.

Vaccinate your birds timely, and always try to keep good contact with a vet in your area.

Stock some necessary drugs. Never feed your birds with contaminated feeds and polluted water.

However, quail caring is an important aspect of quail farming. Proper care and management are necessary for the health and productivity of your birds. Here are the basics of quail caring and what to consider when caring for your flock.


Proper housing is essential for the health and well-being of your quail. Whether you choose indoor or outdoor housing, make sure your quail have enough space to move around and exercise. The housing should also be well-ventilated, clean, and free from drafts.


Feeding your quail a balanced diet is crucial for their growth and productivity. Provide your quail with a diet that is high in protein and carbohydrates, and supplement their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, mealworms, and other insects.


Clean, fresh water should be available to your quail at all times. Water should be changed daily to prevent bacterial growth and ensure that your quail have access to clean drinking water.

Health care

Regular health care is important for your quail’s overall health and productivity. Monitor your quail for any signs of illness or disease, and consult with a veterinarian if you notice any issues. Make sure your quail are vaccinated against common diseases and parasites.

quail farming, quails, quail farming business, commercial quail farming, commercial quail farming business, what is quail farming, quail picture, profitable quail farming

Egg collection

If you are raising quail for their eggs, it’s important to collect the eggs daily to prevent them from becoming damaged or dirty. The eggs can be washed or wiped clean, but should not be stored in water or refrigerated.

Predator control

Quail are vulnerable to predators such as foxes, raccoons, and birds of prey. Make sure your housing is secure and free from any gaps or holes that predators could use to gain access. Consider using deterrents such as motion-activated lights or predator alarms.

Environmental factors

Quail are sensitive to environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and lighting. Make sure your housing is equipped with appropriate heating and cooling systems, and ensure that your quail have access to adequate light to maintain egg production.

Quail Diseases & Their Prevention

Diseases are less in quails, compared to other poultry birds. But you have to take good care and manage them properly, to keep them free from all types of diseases or illness.

Good care and management is a must for profitable quail farming business. Generally they are not provided any disease preventive vaccines.

Quail chicks can’t tolerate weather change, and sudden temperature change. So they get affected by disease, if they experience sudden temperature or weather changes.

However, quail diseases can be a serious issue for quail farmers. Disease outbreaks can cause significant losses in production and revenue, and can even result in the death of your birds. Here we are trying to discuss the most common quail diseases and their prevention.


Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease that affects the intestinal tract of quail. Symptoms include diarrhea, weight loss, and lethargy. Coccidiosis is caused by a protozoan parasite, and can be spread through contaminated food, water, or housing.

Prevention: Regular cleaning and disinfecting of your housing and equipment can help prevent the spread of coccidiosis. Use clean, fresh bedding and provide your quail with clean, fresh water. There are also various commercial coccidiostats that can be added to feed to prevent coccidiosis.

Avian Influenza

Avian Influenza is a viral disease that can affect quail, and can be highly contagious. Symptoms include respiratory distress, coughing, sneezing, and decreased egg production. Avian Influenza is spread through contact with infected birds or their feces.

Prevention: Strict biosecurity measures should be followed to prevent the spread of avian influenza. This includes restricting access to your farm, using dedicated clothing and equipment for handling your quail, and monitoring your flock for any signs of illness.

Newcastle Disease

Newcastle Disease is a viral disease that can affect quail, and can be highly contagious. Symptoms include respiratory distress, diarrhea, and decreased egg production. Newcastle Disease is spread through contact with infected birds or their feces.

Prevention: Strict biosecurity measures should be followed to prevent the spread of Newcastle Disease. Vaccines are available to prevent Newcastle Disease, and regular monitoring of your flock can help identify any potential outbreaks.


Salmonellosis is a bacterial disease that can affect quail, and can be transmitted to humans. Symptoms include diarrhea, weight loss, and lethargy. Salmonellosis is spread through contact with contaminated food, water, or housing.

Prevention: Regular cleaning and disinfecting of your housing and equipment can help prevent the spread of salmonellosis. Use clean, fresh bedding and provide your quail with clean, fresh water. Proper hand hygiene is also essential when handling your quail, especially if you suspect an outbreak of salmonellosis.


Mycoplasmosis is a bacterial disease that can affect quail, and can cause respiratory distress, eye infections, and decreased egg production. Mycoplasmosis is spread through contact with infected birds or their feces.

Prevention: Strict biosecurity measures should be followed to prevent the spread of mycoplasmosis. Vaccines are available to prevent mycoplasmosis, and regular monitoring of your flock can help identify any potential outbreaks.

Quail Vaccination

Quail vaccination is an important aspect of quail farming. Vaccines are used to prevent the spread of common diseases and can help ensure the health and productivity of your flock. In this article, we’ll discuss the most common quail vaccines and what to consider when vaccinating your birds.

Newcastle Disease Vaccine

Newcastle Disease is a highly contagious viral disease that can affect quail, and can cause respiratory distress, diarrhea, and decreased egg production. The Newcastle Disease Vaccine is highly effective at preventing this disease in quail.

The vaccine can be administered through water or injection, and is typically given to young birds before they reach sexual maturity. Booster shots may be required depending on the vaccine used and the level of exposure to the disease.

Fowl Pox Vaccine

Fowl Pox is a viral disease that can affect quail, and can cause skin lesions, respiratory distress, and decreased egg production. The Fowl Pox Vaccine is highly effective at preventing this disease in quail.

The vaccine is typically administered through injection, and may require booster shots depending on the vaccine used and the level of exposure to the disease.

Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine

Infectious Bronchitis is a viral respiratory disease that can affect quail, and can cause respiratory distress, coughing, and decreased egg production. The Infectious Bronchitis Vaccine is highly effective at preventing this disease in quail.

The vaccine can be administered through water or injection, and may require booster shots depending on the vaccine used and the level of exposure to the disease.

Avian Influenza Vaccine

Avian Influenza is a highly contagious viral disease that can affect quail, and can cause respiratory distress, diarrhea, and decreased egg production. The Avian Influenza Vaccine is highly effective at preventing this disease in quail.

The vaccine is typically administered through injection, and may require booster shots depending on the vaccine used and the level of exposure to the disease.

Coccidiosis Vaccine

Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease that can affect the intestinal tract of quail, and can cause diarrhea, weight loss, and lethargy. The Coccidiosis Vaccine is highly effective at preventing this disease in quail.

The vaccine is typically administered through the feed or water, and may require booster shots depending on the vaccine used and the level of exposure to the disease.

Hygienic Quail Rearing Tips

To keep your quails healthy and productive, follow the hygienic quail farming method which are mentioned below.

  • Always try to keep their house dry and clean.
  • Ensure proper movement of light and air inside their house.
  • Keep different aged quails separated from each other.
  • Separate the disease affected quails from the healthy one.
  • Burn the dead bird or put under soil.
  • Don’t allow other birds, animals or unknown persons enter inside your farm quail house.
  • Ensure hygienic and balanced feed supply.
  • Provide adequate fresh and clean water according to their demand.

Marketing Quail Products

Quail meat and eggs are very tasty and highly enriched with nutrient elements. So there is already an established market for quail products. As quail birds and their eggs are small in size, so it is cheap in price and all types of people can purchase. So you don’t have to worry much about marketing your products.

You can easily sell the eggs and meat in your local market. But it will be better if you determine your marketing strategies before starting this business. Because all places around the world have not the same marketing facilities.

However, marketing quail products can be a profitable aspect of quail farming business. Whether you are selling quail meat, eggs, or other products, effective marketing strategies can help you reach your target audience and increase sales. Here are the basics of marketing quail products and what to consider when developing a marketing plan.

Identify your target audience

The first step in marketing quail products is to identify your target audience. Are you selling to local consumers, restaurants, or grocery stores? Understanding your target audience will help you determine the best marketing strategies to reach them.

Develop a brand

Developing a brand for your quail products can help differentiate your products from competitors and increase brand recognition. Consider creating a logo, tagline, and other branding elements that represent your farm and your quail products.


Packaging is an important aspect of marketing quail products. Packaging should be attractive, informative, and functional. Consider using environmentally-friendly packaging materials and including information on the nutritional value of your products.

Online presence

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is essential for marketing quail products. Consider creating a website, social media pages, and online marketplaces to promote your products and reach a wider audience.


Networking with other farmers, businesses, and organizations can help you increase sales and build your brand. Attend local farmers markets, trade shows, and other events to meet potential customers and establish connections with other professionals in the industry.


Educating your customers on the benefits of quail products can help increase sales and build customer loyalty. Consider offering cooking classes or workshops that highlight the nutritional value and versatility of quail meat and eggs.

Customer service

Providing excellent customer service is essential for building customer loyalty and increasing sales. Make sure to respond promptly to customer inquiries and feedback, and address any issues or concerns in a timely manner.

Final Words

In a word, quail farming is playing an important role for fulfilling the daily family nutrition demands and earning livings. And commercial quail farming can be a great source of employment, and earning some extra income along with your current job or profession.

Quail farming is also very entertaining and it is very easy to raise some quails. If you intend to join this business venture, then try to visit some farms in your area. And finally do it.

These are the common steps and ways for starting and operating a successful quail farming business. Hope this guide has helped you! Good luck & may God bless you!

Best Quail Farming Tips

There are several tips and best practices that farmers should follow to ensure success in quail farming. Here are the top quail farming tips.

1. Do your research

Before starting a quail farming business, it’s important to do your research and learn as much as you can about quail farming.

2. Choose the right breed

There are many different breeds of quail, each with their own unique characteristics. Choose a breed that is well-suited to your climate and production goals.

3. Plan your space

Quail require adequate space to move around and exercise. Plan your housing and outdoor areas accordingly.

4. Provide adequate lighting

Quail require adequate lighting to maintain egg production. Provide 14-16 hours of light per day.

5. Use clean, fresh bedding

Clean, fresh bedding is essential for the health and productivity of your quail.

6. Provide clean, fresh water

Clean, fresh water should be available to your quail at all times.

7. Feed a balanced diet

Feeding your quail a balanced diet is crucial for their growth and productivity.

8. Vaccinate your birds

Vaccinations can help prevent the spread of common diseases and ensure the health of your flock.

9. Practice good biosecurity

Strict biosecurity measures can help prevent the spread of disease and maintain the health of your flock.

10. Monitor your birds for signs of illness

Regular monitoring of your birds can help identify any potential health issues early.

11. Provide adequate ventilation

Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining healthy air quality in your housing.

12. Keep your housing clean

Regular cleaning and disinfecting of your housing can help prevent the spread of disease.

13. Use appropriate heating and cooling systems

Quail are sensitive to environmental factors such as temperature, and require appropriate heating and cooling systems.

14. Consider using artificial lighting

Artificial lighting can be used to supplement natural lighting and maintain egg production during the winter months.

15. Provide adequate perches and nesting areas

Quail require perches and nesting areas to feel secure and comfortable.

16. Practice humane handling

Humane handling of your quail is essential for their welfare and productivity.

17. Provide access to outdoor areas

Providing access to outdoor areas can help stimulate natural behavior and exercise.

18. Use predator control measures

Quail are vulnerable to predators, and using predator control measures can help protect your flock.

19. Implement a breeding program

Implementing a breeding program can help maintain a healthy and productive flock.

20. Consider using artificial insemination

Artificial insemination can be used to increase breeding efficiency and improve genetics.

21. Monitor egg production

Regular monitoring of egg production can help identify any potential issues with your flock.

22. Collect eggs daily

Collecting eggs daily can help prevent them from becoming damaged or dirty.

23. Store eggs properly

Proper storage of eggs is essential for maintaining their quality and freshness.

24. Consider value-added products

Value-added products such as quail meat and eggs can help increase profitability and diversify your product offerings.

25. Identify your target market

Understanding your target market can help you tailor your product offerings and marketing strategies.

26. Develop a marketing plan

Developing a marketing plan can help you promote your quail products and increase sales.

27. Network with other farmers and businesses

Networking with other farmers and businesses can help you establish connections and increase sales.

28. Consider joining a farmer’s market

Joining a farmers’ market can help you reach a wider audience and increase sales.

29. Provide excellent customer service

Providing excellent customer service is essential for building customer loyalty and increasing sales.

30. Consider alternative sales channels

In addition to farmers’ markets and direct sales, consider alternative sales channels such as online marketplaces or specialty stores.

31. Stay up-to-date on regulations

It’s important to stay up-to-date on local, state, and federal regulations regarding quail farming and product sales.

32. Keep detailed records

Keeping detailed records of your flock and production can help you track performance and make informed decisions.

33. Consider working with a veterinarian

Working with a veterinarian can help ensure the health and productivity of your flock.

34. Attend industry events and workshops

Attending industry events and workshops can help you stay up-to-date on best practices and industry trends.

35. Continuously learn and improve

Continuously learning and improving your quail farming practices can help you maintain a healthy and productive flock and increase profitability.

Related Queries & FAQs

There are lots of questions and queries related to quail farming business. Here we are trying to list the common questions and queries about this profitable business and trying to answer them. Hope you will find answers of your questions or queries. Don’t hesitate to ask us if you have more questions.

What Is Quail Farming?

Before discussing more about commercial quail farming business, let us first explain ‘what is quail farming‘? Actually the term ‘quail farming‘ means, raising quails commercially (like other poultry birds) for the purpose of profitable eggs and meat production.

Why Raising Quails?

Quails are very smaller sized birds. An adult quail weights between 150 to 200 grams and an egg weights around 7 to 15 grams. Female quails start laying eggs within their 6 to 7 weeks of age and continuously lay one egg daily.

They lay about 300 eggs in their first year of life. After that they produce about 150 to 175 eggs in second year. Eggs production gradually decrease after their first year of laying period.

Quail egg is very suitable for human health. It contains 2.47 % less fat than chicken egg. Many people believe that ‘quail eggs help to prevent blood pressure, diabetic, pant etc’.

Quail meat is very tasty and nutritious. Fat is very low in their meat. So quail meat is very suitable for blood pressure patients. Eggs are very beautiful with multiple color. Quails do not incubate their eggs. So you have to use an incubator or brooder chickens for hatching their eggs.

Life Cycle Of Quails

Quail generally survive for 3 to 4 years. An adult quail weights between 150 to 200 grams. Female quails start laying eggs from their 6 to 7 weeks of age. Each egg weights between 7 to 15 grams. They lay more than 300 eggs per year.

Their eggs are very beautiful. Presence of light increase the egg productive efficiency of quails. They usually lay eggs at afternoon. It takes about 17 days to hatch their eggs.

A newly born quail chick weights around 6 to 7 grams. Quail never incubate their eggs. For successful breeding purpose keep one male quail with every five female quails.

Quail chicks become very sensitive and take about two weeks to be strong enough. Eggs of 9 to 11 grams weight with smooth and hard eggshell are perfect for hatching and producing chicks.

Advantages Of Quail Farming Business

Quails are smaller sized poultry birds, and it’s very easy to handle them. The main benefits of starting quail farming business are listed below.

  • Quails are smaller sized bird, so they can be raised within small place.
  • Feeding cost of quails are comparatively lower than chickens or other poultry birds.
  • Diseases are less in quails, and they are very hardy.
  • Quails grow very fast and gain maturity faster than any other poultry birds.
  • They start laying eggs within their 6 to 7 weeks of age.
  • It takes about 16 to 18 days to hatch their eggs.
  • Meat and eggs of quail are very tasty, delicious and nutritious. So it’s a great source of food and nutrition.
  • Quail farming needs small capital, and labor cost is very low.
  • Quails can be raised successfully in commercial method. Some people have already started commercial quail farming business.
  • Quails are very strong bird and diseases or other health problems are less. So risks are less in this business.
  • Quail meat contain less fat. So, it is suitable for high blood pressure patients.
  • Their food to meat or eggs converting efficiency is satisfactory. They can produce one kg meat or eggs by consuming three kg food.
  • You can raise 6 to 7 quails in the same place that is required for one chicken.
  • As the quail eggs are smaller in size, so the price is also lower than other bird’s egg. As a result, all types of people can buy quail eggs and you can easily sell the eggs.
  • As the primary costs are less, so you can start this business with a very little investment.
  • You can raise about 6 to 8 quails within 0.91 squire meter area.
  • As it is a lucrative business venture, so commercial quail farming business can be a great source of income and employment for the unemployed educated people. Even, you can start raising a few quails along with your current profession.

Quail eggs production

Presence of adequate light is highly recommended for desired egg production from your quails. You can provide artificial light and heat by using electric bulb or heater. You can use 40 to 100 watt bulb for this purpose. Demand of light and heat varies depending on the season.

If you want successful breeding and want to hatch their eggs, then keep one male with every five female quails. For getting better egg production, select highly productive  breeds and always keep their house dry and clean.

Egg production also depends on temperature, feeding , water, care and management. To get desired egg production from your quails, light play a vital role. Lightening period of laying quails is shown below through a chat.

AgeTemperature (o Celsius)Light (Hour)
1 Week3524
2 Week3024
3 Week2512
4 Week21-2212
5 Week2112
6 Week2113
7 Week2114
8 Week2115
9 Week2116
Other Time2116

Raising quail chicks

Quails never incubate their eggs. So, you can produce chicks by hatching their eggs through chickens or artificially through using incubators.

Incubation period for quail egg is about 16 to 18 days. For maximum egg production, 16 hours of lighting period is required daily inside the quail house. Keep newly born quail chicks in a brooder house.

Chicks need artificial heat and temperature management system for 14 to 21 days from their birth. Quail chick become very sensitive. They can be raised in both litter and battery system. Keep in mind the following factors while raising quail chicks.

  • Adequate temperature
  • Sufficient light
  • Proper air movement
  • Density of quail chicks
  • Supply of food and water
  • Hygienic rearing rules

Provide the layer quail chick heat and light according to their age. Follow the chart shown below.

Baby AgeTemperature (o Celsius)Light (Hour)
1 Week37.724
2 Week3524
3 Week32.212

Quail farming at home

Quail farming at home is a small-scale farming practice that involves raising quails for their eggs and meat. Quails are easy to raise and require minimal space and resources, making them an ideal choice for backyard farming. They are also hardy and can adapt to different environments.

To start quail farming at home, you will need to build a coop, provide a balanced diet, and ensure the birds have access to clean water. Quails are prolific egg layers, and their eggs are highly nutritious, containing more protein and less cholesterol than chicken eggs. Quail meat is also high in protein and low in fat, making it a healthy alternative to other meats.

Quail farming in Australia

Quail farming in Australia is a small but growing industry that has gained popularity in recent years due to the increased demand for locally produced, sustainable and ethical meat and eggs. There are several species of quails that are farmed in Australia, including the Japanese quail and the Coturnix quail.

Quail farming in Australia is typically done in indoor facilities or outdoor aviaries. The birds are raised on a balanced diet of grains, pellets, and vegetables, and are often kept in small groups to reduce stress and prevent aggression.

Quail eggs and meat are in high demand in Australia, particularly in high-end restaurants and specialty food markets. Quail farming provides a unique opportunity for farmers to diversify their income streams and meet the growing demand for sustainable and ethical food production.

Quail farming benefits

Quail farming is a profitable and sustainable business that has numerous benefits. Firstly, quails are small and require minimal space, making it an ideal venture for small-scale farmers. Secondly, they are prolific layers and can produce up to 300 eggs per year, which are highly nutritious and have a high market value.

Quail meat is also a popular delicacy and is known for its high protein content and low-fat content. Additionally, quail farming has a low environmental impact, as they produce minimal waste and require little feed. Overall, quail farming provides an excellent opportunity for farmers to diversify their income and contribute to food security.

Quail farming business plan

A quail farming business plan is crucial for the success of the venture.

Firstly, it should identify the target market and the demand for quail eggs and meat in the local area.

Secondly, the plan should outline the necessary resources required, such as land, equipment, and labor. It should also consider the costs involved, such as feed, housing, and veterinary care.

A marketing strategy should also be included to attract and retain customers. The plan should consider potential risks and challenges, such as disease outbreaks or changes in market demand. By developing a comprehensive business plan, a quail farmer can ensure the viability and profitability of their venture.

Quail farming book

There are numerous books available on quail farming, offering valuable insights and practical advice for both novice and experienced farmers.

Some popular titles include “The Quail Keeper’s Handbook” by Katie Thear, which covers all aspects of quail rearing, from breeding and incubation to feeding and housing.

Another informative book is “Quail Farming: Everything You Need to Know” by Francis Okumu, which provides a step-by-step guide to setting up a successful quail farming business. Additionally, “Quail Farming for Beginners” by Tim Daniels is a comprehensive guide for those new to quail farming, covering everything from breed selection to marketing strategies.

A good quail farming book can provide valuable information and guidance for farmers looking to start or improve their quail farming operation.

Quail farming cost

The cost of starting a quail farming business can vary depending on the size of the operation and the resources required. Some of the major costs include acquiring land and constructing a suitable housing facility, purchasing equipment such as feeders and waterers, and buying high-quality quail breeds or eggs.

Additional expenses include feed, veterinary care, and labor costs. The cost of starting a small-scale quail farm can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, while larger operations can require tens of thousands of dollars in initial investment.

It’s essential to develop a budget and a detailed business plan to help manage costs and ensure the profitability of the venture.

Quail farming cage design

Quail farming is a popular form of poultry farming that involves raising quails for their eggs and meat. One crucial aspect of quail farming is designing the appropriate housing system, which is often in the form of cages.

The cage design must take into account the welfare and comfort of the quails while maximizing space utilization, cleanliness, and ease of management.

The cage should have enough floor space to accommodate the number of quails intended for the cage. It should also be equipped with feeders and waterers that are easy to access and clean.

The cage should be well-ventilated and insulated to maintain a comfortable temperature for the quails. The cage should be sturdy and durable to withstand the weight of the quails and prevent them from escaping.

Proper sanitation should be considered when designing the cage to minimize the risk of diseases and maintain the health of the quails.

Quail farming cages for sale

If you’re interested in starting a quail farming operation, purchasing pre-made cages can be a great option. There are a variety of quail farming cages available for sale from various suppliers. These cages come in different sizes, materials, and designs to suit different farming needs and budgets.

When considering purchasing quail farming cages, it’s important to ensure that they are well-constructed, safe, and comfortable for the quails. The cages should be made from durable materials that are easy to clean and sanitize. They should also provide enough space for the quails to move around freely and access food and water easily.

Other factors to consider when purchasing quail farming cages for sale include the supplier’s reputation, customer service, and pricing. By doing research and choosing a reputable supplier, you can ensure that you’re investing in a high-quality product that will help you achieve your quail farming goals.

Quail farming equipment

Quail farming requires several pieces of equipment to ensure that the birds are healthy, comfortable, and productive. Some of the essential quail farming equipment includes cages, feeders, waterers, incubators, brooders, and egg trays.

The cages should be designed to provide adequate space for the birds, while the feeders and waterers should be positioned in a way that makes them easily accessible to the birds. Incubators and brooders are essential equipment for hatching and raising quail chicks.

Other equipment used in quail farming includes egg collectors, egg washers, and egg grading machines. These devices help to ensure that the eggs produced are clean, uniform, and of high quality.

When selecting quail farming equipment, it’s important to choose high-quality, durable equipment that is designed for your specific farming needs. Proper maintenance and cleaning of the equipment are also essential to ensure the longevity and effectiveness of the equipment.

Quail farming for beginners

Quail farming can be an excellent option for beginners in the poultry farming industry due to their low capital investment, easy maintenance, and high productivity. Quails are small birds that require less space, feed, and water compared to other poultry birds, making them ideal for small-scale farming.

To start quail farming, beginners should do proper research, plan, and prepare before venturing into the business. They should consider factors such as location, breed selection, housing, feeding, and marketing. It’s also essential to have adequate knowledge on quail farming practices, including hatching, brooding, feeding, and disease prevention.

Quail farming can be a profitable and fulfilling venture for beginners who are willing to learn, work hard, and invest in quality equipment and management practices.

Quail farming for profits

Quail farming can be a profitable business venture when done correctly. The birds have a high reproductive rate and can reach maturity in a short period, allowing for quick returns on investment. Quails are also known for their high-quality meat and eggs, which can fetch premium prices in the market.

To maximize profits in quail farming, it’s essential to implement efficient management practices, including proper feeding, housing, disease prevention, and marketing strategies. Quail farmers should also focus on selecting high-yield breeds that are well-suited for their local environment.

Market research is critical to ensure that the products meet consumer demand and fetch high prices. Quail farming can provide a steady source of income for farmers who are willing to invest in quality equipment, management practices, and marketing strategies.

Quail farming for meat

Quail farming for meat production is a lucrative business opportunity due to the birds’ high protein content, tender meat, and unique flavor. Quails have a high feed conversion ratio, meaning they require less feed compared to other poultry birds to produce a kilogram of meat, making them a cost-effective option.

When farming quails for meat production, it’s important to select breeds that are well-suited for meat production, such as the Jumbo Coturnix quail. The birds should be raised in a clean and hygienic environment and fed a balanced diet to ensure optimal growth and development.

Quail meat can be sold fresh or frozen in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants, providing a steady source of income for quail farmers.

Quail farming for eggs

Quail farming for egg production is a popular venture due to the birds’ high egg-laying capacity and the nutritional value of their eggs. Quail eggs are known for their high protein, low-fat content, and unique flavor, making them a popular ingredient in many cuisines.

To farm quails for egg production, it’s important to select breeds that are well-suited for egg-laying, such as the Japanese quail. The birds should be provided with a clean and hygienic environment, a balanced diet, and adequate lighting to stimulate egg production.

Quail eggs can be sold fresh or boiled in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants, providing a reliable source of income for quail farmers.

Quail farming history

Quail farming has a rich history that dates back centuries. The birds were originally domesticated in Asia for their meat and eggs and were later introduced to Europe and other parts of the world.

In ancient Rome, quails were considered a delicacy and were often served at banquets and feasts. The birds were also used for sport, and quail hunting became a popular pastime among the nobility.

During World War II, quails were kept in prisoner-of-war camps and were used to supplement the diets of soldiers. After the war, quail farming continued to gain popularity, with quail meat and eggs becoming popular food items in many countries.

Today, quail farming is a thriving industry, providing a reliable source of income for farmers and meeting the demand for high-quality meat and eggs in local and international markets.

Quail farming income

Quail farming can provide a reliable source of income for farmers who are willing to invest in quality equipment and management practices. The income potential in quail farming depends on several factors, including the number of birds, the production purpose (meat or eggs), the quality of the birds, and the market demand.

Quail farmers can earn income from selling live birds, meat, eggs, and other products such as feathers and manure. The prices of these products depend on the market demand, which can vary based on the season and consumer preferences.

Overall, quail farming can be a profitable business venture, with farmers earning a steady source of income by implementing efficient management practices, focusing on high-yield breeds, and developing effective marketing strategies.

Quail farming in India

Quail farming is a growing industry in India, with many farmers starting to raise quails for their meat and eggs. The demand for quail products has increased due to their high nutritional value and unique taste, making them a popular ingredient in many cuisines.

Quail farming in India is primarily done on a small-scale, with farmers raising birds in backyard settings or small farms. The birds are easy to maintain and require less space, making them ideal for small-scale farming.

The market for quail products in India is expanding, with quail meat and eggs being sold in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants. Quail farming has the potential to provide a reliable source of income for farmers in India and can contribute to the country’s food security.

Quail farming in the Philippines

Quail farming is a growing industry in the Philippines, with many farmers turning to quail production as a profitable business venture. The demand for quail products, such as meat and eggs, is high due to their unique flavor and high nutritional value.

Quail farming in the Philippines is typically done on a small-scale, with farmers raising birds in backyard settings or small farms. The birds are easy to maintain and require less space, making them an ideal choice for small-scale farmers.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants, providing a steady source of income for farmers. Quail farming has the potential to contribute to the country’s food security and provide employment opportunities for rural communities.

Quail farming in USA

Quail farming in the USA is a growing industry, with farmers raising quails for meat and eggs. The demand for quail products has increased due to their unique flavor, high nutritional value, and versatility in the kitchen.

Quail farming in the USA is typically done on a larger scale than in other countries, with farmers raising birds in specialized facilities designed for optimal growth and production. The birds are bred for high yield and are fed a balanced diet to ensure optimal growth and development.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and high-end restaurants, providing a lucrative source of income for farmers. Quail farming has the potential to contribute to the country’s food security and provide employment opportunities in rural communities.

Quail farming in Canada

Quail farming in Canada is a growing industry, with farmers raising quails for their meat and eggs. The demand for quail products has increased due to their unique taste, high nutritional value, and suitability for various cuisines.

Quail farming in Canada is typically done on a smaller scale, with farmers raising birds in backyard settings or small farms. The birds are easy to maintain and require less space, making them an ideal choice for small-scale farmers.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and high-end restaurants, providing a reliable source of income for farmers. Quail farming has the potential to contribute to the country’s food security and provide employment opportunities in rural communities.

Quail farming in Nigeria

Quail farming in Nigeria is a growing industry, with farmers raising quails for their meat and eggs. The demand for quail products has increased due to their high nutritional value, unique taste, and cultural significance.

Quail farming in Nigeria is primarily done on a small-scale, with farmers raising birds in backyard settings or small farms. The birds are easy to maintain and require less space, making them ideal for small-scale farming.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants, providing a steady source of income for farmers. Quail farming has the potential to contribute to the country’s food security and provide employment opportunities for rural communities.

However, challenges such as poor infrastructure, limited access to finance and technology, and inadequate government support have hindered the growth of the industry.

Quail farming in Kenya

Quail farming in Kenya is a growing industry, with farmers raising quails for their meat and eggs. The demand for quail products has increased due to their high nutritional value and unique taste, making them a popular ingredient in many cuisines.

Quail farming in Kenya is typically done on a small-scale, with farmers raising birds in backyard settings or small farms. The birds are easy to maintain and require less space, making them ideal for small-scale farming.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants, providing a steady source of income for farmers. Quail farming has the potential to contribute to the country’s food security and provide employment opportunities for rural communities.

However, challenges such as disease outbreaks, inadequate infrastructure, and limited access to finance and technology have hindered the growth of the industry.

Quail farming in Japan

Quail farming in Japan is a well-established industry, with farmers raising quails for their meat and eggs. The demand for quail products is high due to their unique flavor and high nutritional value, making them popular in many Japanese dishes.

Quail farming in Japan is typically done on a larger scale than in other countries, with farmers raising birds in specialized facilities designed for optimal growth and production. The birds are bred for high yield and are fed a balanced diet to ensure optimal growth and development.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and high-end restaurants, providing a lucrative source of income for farmers.

Quail farming has contributed significantly to the country’s food security and provided employment opportunities in rural communities. The Japanese government provides support and incentives to encourage the growth of the industry.

Quail farming in Bangladesh

Quail farming in Bangladesh is a growing industry, with farmers raising quails for their meat and eggs. The demand for quail products has increased due to their high nutritional value and unique taste, making them a popular ingredient in many dishes.

Quail farming in Bangladesh is typically done on a small-scale, with farmers raising birds in backyard settings or small farms. The birds are easy to maintain and require less space, making them ideal for small-scale farming.

Quail products are sold in local markets, supermarkets, and restaurants, providing a steady source of income for farmers. Quail farming has the potential to contribute to the country’s food security and provide employment opportunities for rural communities.

However, challenges such as disease outbreaks, inadequate infrastructure, and limited access to finance and technology have hindered the growth of the industry.

Quail farming jobs

Quail farming provides a variety of job opportunities, including farm managers, hatchery workers, feeders, caretakers, and sales representatives.

Farm managers oversee the daily operations of the farm, ensuring that the quails are healthy and productive, while hatchery workers focus on breeding and hatching new quail chicks.

Feeders and caretakers are responsible for feeding and caring for the birds, while sales representatives market and sell the quail products.

Quail farming can provide employment opportunities for both skilled and unskilled workers, with various levels of education and experience.

As the demand for quail products continues to increase, the industry is expected to provide more job opportunities, especially in rural communities where employment options may be limited.

Quail farming license

Quail farming licenses may be required by local, state, or national governments depending on the location and scale of the operation. The regulations and requirements for obtaining a quail farming license vary depending on the country and jurisdiction.

To obtain a quail farming license, farmers may need to complete specific training or education courses, have suitable facilities for quail farming, demonstrate knowledge of quail husbandry, and adhere to biosecurity and animal welfare regulations. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in fines or the revocation of the license.

It is important for prospective quail farmers to research and understand the requirements for obtaining a license in their area before starting a quail farming operation.

Quail farming manual pdf

A quail farming manual in PDF format provides detailed information on how to start and operate a successful quail farming business. The manual typically covers all aspects of quail farming, including breeding, housing, feeding, disease control, and marketing.

A quail farming manual can be a valuable resource for beginners and experienced farmers alike, providing a comprehensive guide to quail farming practices and techniques. It can also help farmers improve their production, efficiency, and profitability.

Many quail farming manuals in PDF format can be found online, either for free or for a fee. It is important to ensure that the manual is from a reputable source and is up-to-date with the latest information and best practices.

Quail farming methods

Quail farming methods vary depending on the scale of the operation and the goals of the farmer. Common methods include backyard or small-scale farming, semi-intensive farming, and intensive farming.

Backyard or small-scale quail farming typically involves raising a small number of quails in a backyard or on a small farm. The birds are often raised for personal consumption or sold locally.

Semi-intensive quail farming involves raising a larger number of birds in more extensive facilities than backyard farming. The birds are typically raised for meat or eggs, and the farm may incorporate some level of automation and commercial feed.

Intensive quail farming involves raising a high number of birds in highly-controlled environments that maximize production and efficiency. This method is commonly used in commercial quail farming operations, where the birds are raised for meat or eggs on a large scale.

Quail farming project report

A quail farming project report is a document that outlines the details of a proposed or existing quail farming operation. The report typically includes a summary of the business plan, financial projections, marketing strategies, and other relevant information.

A quail farming project report can be used to secure financing from banks or investors, as it provides a detailed analysis of the potential profitability of the business. It can also help farmers track the progress of their operation, identify areas of improvement, and make informed decisions.

The content and structure of a quail farming project report may vary depending on the purpose and audience. However, it should provide a comprehensive overview of the quail farming business and its potential for success.

Quail farming system

Quail farming systems refer to the different ways that quail are raised and managed in a farming operation. There are several types of quail farming systems, including free-range, semi-intensive, and intensive systems.

Free range

Free-range quail farming allows the birds to roam freely outdoors, foraging for food and sheltering in natural surroundings. This system is popular among small-scale and backyard farmers.

Semi intensive

Semi-intensive quail farming involves raising the birds in larger enclosures, where they have access to outdoor space but are fed a commercial diet. This system is often used in commercial operations for egg and meat production.


Intensive quail farming involves raising the birds in a highly-controlled indoor environment, where they are fed a specialized diet and managed for maximum production. This system is commonly used in large-scale commercial quail farming operations.

Quail farming supplies

Quail farming supplies are essential equipment, materials, and tools required to successfully run a quail farming operation. Some of the common supplies include:

  1. Quail cages or housing materials
  2. Feeding and watering equipment
  3. Incubators and brooders for hatching and raising chicks
  4. Egg collection and cleaning tools
  5. Lighting and heating equipment for temperature control
  6. Feed and supplements for quail nutrition
  7. Health and disease control products, such as vaccines and medications
  8. Egg trays and packaging materials for sale and transportation

Quail farming vs chicken farming

Quail farming and chicken farming have some similarities and differences. Both involve raising birds for meat and eggs, but there are some key differences in terms of the requirements and benefits of each farming method.

Quails require less space and feed than chickens, making them suitable for small-scale or backyard farming. They also mature faster and have a shorter lifespan, making it possible to get multiple generations of birds in a shorter period.

However, chickens produce larger eggs and meat, making them more suitable for commercial production. They also require more space and feed, making them more expensive to raise than quails.

The choice between quail farming and chicken farming depends on the scale and goals of the farming operation.

Quail farming vs duck farming

Quail farming and duck farming are two distinct methods of bird farming with some similarities and differences. Both are popular for their egg and meat production, but there are significant differences in terms of requirements and benefits.

Ducks require larger living spaces and water sources, making them less suitable for small-scale or backyard farming. However, they are well-suited for wetlands and marshy areas and can even be raised for their feathers.

Quails, on the other hand, require less space and can be easily housed indoors. They mature faster and have a shorter lifespan than ducks, allowing for quicker production.

The choice between quail farming and duck farming depends on the goals, resources, and location of the farming operation.

Quail farming vs pigeon farming

Quail farming and pigeon farming are two distinct methods of bird farming with some similarities and differences. Both are popular for their meat and egg production, but there are significant differences in terms of requirements and benefits.

Pigeons require larger living spaces and have a unique set of nutritional needs that may require specialized feed. They are also known for their ability to find their way home and are often used for racing or as pets.

Quails require less space and can be easily housed indoors. They mature faster and have a shorter lifespan than pigeons, allowing for quicker production.

The choice between quail farming and pigeon farming depends on the goals, resources, and location of the farming operation.

Quail farming future

Quail farming is an emerging industry that has gained significant traction in recent years, particularly in developing countries where there is a growing demand for healthy and affordable protein sources. The future of quail farming looks promising, as the global population continues to grow and demand for alternative sources of protein increases.

One of the major factors driving the growth of quail farming is their unique nutritional profile. Quail meat and eggs are considered to be healthier than chicken and other poultry products due to their low-fat and low-cholesterol content. This has led to an increased demand for quail products in health-conscious markets, including the organic and natural food sector.

Another key driver of the future of quail farming is their low resource requirements. Quails require less space, feed, and water than other types of poultry, making them an attractive option for small-scale and backyard farming. They are also known for their fast maturity rate and high reproductive capacity, making them ideal for commercial production.

Furthermore, quail farming has the potential to create employment opportunities, particularly in rural areas where poverty and unemployment rates are high. As the demand for quail products continues to rise, it is expected that more farmers will take up quail farming as a means of income generation.

However, there are also some challenges that may affect the future of quail farming. One of these is the lack of standardization in breeding practices and product quality, which may affect consumer confidence in quail products. There is a need for more research and development in quail farming to improve breeding techniques and product quality.

Is quail farming business profitable?

Is raising quails commercially is very profitable. Quails are amazing birds. They require less space and less food, but produce high quality meat and eggs. So, if you have good facilities for marketing quail products (meat and eggs) then your production will be highly profitable.

How to start quail farming business?

Starting a profitable quail farming business is very easy and simple. First of all, you have to make very good and secure housing system for your birds. Then purchase chicks from any of your local suppliers, feed them good quality poultry feed and fresh water and always try to take good care of them. And finally, your birds will start laying small colorful eggs.

quail farming, quails, quail farming business, commercial quail farming, commercial quail farming business, what is quail farming, quail picture, profitable quail farming

How many eggs do quail lay per month?

The most popular Coturnix quail lay one eggs almost daily. On an average, a quail can lay about 300 eggs per year.

Is quail farming profitable in Nigeria?

Yes, commercial quail farming is definitely a profitable business in Nigeria. But you have to have good marketing facilities for making this business highly profitable. So, ensure the quail products have good demand and value in your area. Determine your marketing strategies before starting this business.

How fast do quail grow?

Quails grow relatively faster, and they generally reach maturity within their 6 weeks of age.

How many times a day do you feed quails?

In commercial farms, the quails are generally feed twice a day.

What food does quail eat?

In commercial production, the quails are feed with layer poultry feeds. Actually, quails are considered omnivores and they eat both plant-based and animal-based food.

How do quail farmers make money?

Quail farmers usually make money by selling quail eggs and meat.

Is there a market for quail?

Yes, and the market is growing continuously. Both meat and eggs of quail are becoming popular gradually.

What month do quail lay eggs?

The Coturnix quails lay eggs throughout the year in commercial farms.

How long do quails live for?

Average lifespan of the farm quails is between 3 and 6 years.

Can quail live with chickens?

Yes, you can keep quails with your chickens. But quails are good escape artists. So, you have to make the house highly secure. And having a separate coop section inside the house for the quails will be very good.

How many quail should I start with?

Depends on your budget. You can start with just 10 birds or as many as hundreds or even thousands of birds.

How many quail can I keep together?

If you raise the quails in cage system, then we recommend having no more than 10 quails in one cage. But if you raise them in floor system, then there is actually no limits.

quail farming, quails, quail farming business, commercial quail farming, commercial quail farming business, what is quail farming, quail picture, profitable quail farming

How do you give quail water?

You can use either nipple waterers or poultry cups for providing water to your birds. One nipple or cup should be provided for every 5 birds.

Do quail eat rice?

Yes, they can eat rice.

Is there a demand for quail?

Please visit any of your local or nearest poultry market, and try to understand the demand for quail in your area.

How hard is it to raise quails?

Raising quails is very easy and simple. Even the beginners can also raise them easily.

Is quail healthier than chicken?

Yes, quail products are healthier than chicken products.

Do quails lay eggs without a male?

Yes, they will lay eggs without males. Actually, males have no function in eggs production. Males are only necessary only if you want to produce fertilized eggs for hatching.

Do quails fly away?

Yes, quails will fly away if they get the chance to do so.

Do quails eat worms?

Yes, obviously, and will love to have some worms.

Do quail need sunlight?

Thousands are quails in commercial farms are raised without sunlight.

What bedding do you use for quails?

You can use the low cost and easily available materials for bedding. You can use grass hay, straw, pine shavings or even sand.

At what age do quails start laying eggs?

The quails generally become mature within their 6 weeks of age. And the Coturnix quail generally start laying eggs within their 7 weeks of age.

What is the price of quail eggs?

Exact price greatly vary from place to place. So, visit your nearest stores for latest price.

What temperature do quail need?

37.7°C for their fist week, 35°C in the second week and 32.2°C in the third week. And from their 4 weeks of age, they will be able to survive normal room temperature.

What is the best food for quail?

Commercial layer chicken food will be best for the laying quails.

What do quail eat naturally?

The wild quails will naturally forage grains and seeds and finish their diet with insects, plants, small nuts, and berries.

What vegetables do quails eat?

Lettucebroccoli, clover, lotus, celeryradish, peas etc.

What grains do quails eat?

Wheat, broken rice, cracked corn, rye, barleymillet etc.

What seeds do quails eat?

Ragweed, foxtail, annual broomweed, queen’s-delight, plains bristlegrass etc.

How much food do quail eat per day?

Quails are smaller in size, and they generally require less food. 20-30 grams food a day will be enough for a mature quail.

What is the biggest breed of quail?

Mountain quail is the largest quail.

What is the benefits of quail eggs?

Quail eggs are more nutritious than the chicken eggs. A single quail egg provides a significant chunk of your daily vitamin B12, selenium, riboflavin, and choline needs, along with some iron. And one egg contains only 14 calories.

of quail eggs?

Quail eggs are more nutritious than the chicken eggs. A single quail egg provides a significant chunk of your daily vitamin B12, selenium, riboflavin, and choline needs, along with some iron. And one egg contains only 14 calories.

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