Pink Himalayan Salt: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, Precautions & More!

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Himalayan pink salt is a naturally pink coloured variety of salt that is mined in Pakistan near the Himalayan Mountains of South Asia. Pink Himalayan salt is mined like rock salt; however, it is technically sea salt. Salt is a nutrient that might plays an important role in maintaining human health.

However, excess salt in our diet can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Himalayan pink salt is being used as an alternative to table salt due to its health benefits. Pink Himalayan salt has superior mineral content compared to table or sea salt. It contains lower sodium chloride compared to table salt. 1, 2 

Nutritional Value of Pink Himalayan Salt: 

Pink Himalayan salt has many essential minerals and elements. However, many of these minerals are present in very small amounts and might not contribute to any health benefits. 3  

                                Calcium                          1.6 mg 
                               Potassium                          2.8 mg 
                               Iron                      0.0369 mg     
                             Magnesium                        1.06 mg 
                               Sodium                        368 mg  

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