list of interjections

Interjections list: The most common interjections & examples

What?! Nooo! Really? Awesome! Here’s our list of interjections, with examples and explanations.

Miranda Parr

Miranda ParrUpdated July 3, 20237 min read

Table of Contents

What?! Nooo! Really? Awesome! 

Interjections are fun and easy to learn in any language! If you’ve been watching any English movies or TV, the chances are, you’ve heard plenty of interjections already.

Below we’ve created a list of interjections that cover the most common ones, and examples to help you use them yourself. Keep reading to learn more or discover online English lessons for beginners on Preply.

List of interjections in English

UghUgh! I can’t believe how moldy the fridge is.
WowWow, nice work! I’m impressed. 
NiceA lazy morning on a Tuesday, nice!
WoohooWoohoo! I won the big teddy bear. 
CoolCool! I didn’t know you could open a beer with your teeth. 
WinThose shoes were only $5? Win! 
HuhHuh! I didn’t know your mum was a pilot, that’s interesting. 
NooNoo, I thought the food would be here by now. 
SoSo…what did you want to speak to me about? 
OuchOuch! I’m not sure you should have been so honest. 
YupYup, we can have that fixed for you in about an hour. 
Oh myDid you see how much that man looked like his dog? Oh my.
SweetSweet! I’ll meet you at the park tomorrow at two.
AwesomeAwesome! We can sit next to each other on the plane! 
HmmHmm, I’m not sure! I think I will be able to finish that by Friday. 
YeahYeah! We should totally try that! 
Uh ohUh oh. The shower’s broken again. 
Oh manOh man. I spilled chocolate ice cream on my favorite coat. 
EwEw! You’re really going to eat that after it’s been on the floor? 
AhhAhh, I get it now. I thought you meant something else.
SureSure, I can book the tickets tonight if you want. 
HeyHey! How are you doing? We haven’t spoken in a while. 
Um  Um — I think we need to come up with a new plan. 
HaHa, no it wasn’t like that. 
Oh dearOh dear, I think I should go to bed a bit earlier tonight. 
YikesYikes! That’s a bit intense for a first date, isn’t it? 
OopsOops, I think I called that guy by the wrong name. 
LikeI’m not sure. Like, maybe five or six times? 
JeezHe’s already rung me three times today! Jeez
AhemAhem! I’m still waiting! 
Oh noOh no. We’re going to have to start again from the beginning.
AghAgh! I can’t believe we forgot to buy trash bags again! 
Alright.Alright! I see what you mean, there’s no need to be rude. 
WhatWhat! I cannot believe she said your cat was ugly, so cruel! 
GotchaGotcha, I understand what you mean now. 
OkSo you’ve already finished the whole cake without me? …Ok.  
ReallyReally? You thought the earth was flat until last year? 
WhoopsI forgot to put the trash out this morning — whoops
GreatGreat! I’ll see you on Friday then.
YayYou got the job? Yay! 
HuhHuh! I never would have guessed you like punk music.
Sweet Sweet! Call me when your lesson is over and we’ll go for a walk.
GahIt was so awkward, his mom really hates me now! Gah! 
WoahWoah you are way better at cooking than I thought you would be. 

What are interjections?

Interjections are words that express a burst of emotion. They are used between sentences or clauses to express feelings such as:

  • Surprise: Really? 
  • Agreement: Yes!
  • Celebration: Yay! 
  • Confusion: What?!  
  • Anger: Noo! 

 They’re mostly used in spoken English. They are generally too spontaneous and expressive for written English. 

There is no strict rule about where to place interjections in a sentence. However, they often appear at the beginning or the end of a phrase that describes what caused your sudden emotion. 


Interjections are simple, expressive pieces of language! Master the most common ones, and your spoken English will instantly sound a little more natural. However, there are a lot to choose from. It can be difficult to know when each kind of interjection is appropriate.

Try practicing these interjections with a personal tutor, and you’ll quickly get the hang of it! 

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