List of Conjunctions

100 Conjunctions in English -

100 Conjunctions in English


Conjunctions are essential tools for connecting words, phrases, and clauses, enabling us to express relationships, join ideas, and create cohesive sentences.

We have compiled a list of 100 conjunctions that you can utilize to enhance your speaking and writing skills. From common conjunctions like “and” and “but” to more complex ones like “inasmuch as” and “lest,” this extensive list will broaden your linguistic repertoire and empower you to convey your thoughts with precision and clarity. So, let’s dive into the world of conjunctions and unlock the full potential of your language abilities.

100 Conjunctions in English

Here are 100 conjunctions in English.

thougheven though
despitein spite of
as soon asas long as
provided thatwhile
now thatin case
so thatin order that
rather thanas if
as thougheven if
lestby the time
howeveron the other hand
on the contrarywhereas
in contrastinstead of
after allin fact
indeedof course
in conclusionin summary
in briefto sum up
overallall in all
consequentlyin effect
accordinglyin other words
that isfor example
for instancein particular
specificallyto illustrate

Conjunctions with examples sentences


  • I bought apples and oranges from the market.
  • She likes to swim and bike on weekends.


  • I wanted to go to the concert, but I had to work late.
  • She is very talented, but she is also very modest.


  • You can have coffee or tea with your breakfast.
  • Do you want to go to the movies or stay home?


  • He didn’t call, nor did he send a message.
  • She can’t sing, nor can she dance.


  • I need to go home, for I have a lot of work to do.
  • She was excited, for she had won the first prize.


  • He studied hard, yet he didn’t pass the exam.
  • It was raining, yet they decided to go for a hike.


  • I forgot to set my alarm, so I woke up late.
  • She worked extra hours, so she could save more money.


  • Although it was raining, we went out for a walk.
  • She didn’t win the race, although she trained very hard.


  • He enjoyed the movie, though it was quite long.
  • Though she was tired, she kept working.

even though

  • Even though he was late, he stopped to buy coffee.
  • She wore a coat, even though it was warm outside.


  • She read a book while waiting for her appointment.
  • He cooked dinner while she set the table.


  • He loves playing football, whereas his brother prefers basketball.
  • She likes to read novels, whereas he enjoys watching movies.


  • Despite the bad weather, they went hiking.
  • She managed to smile despite feeling unwell.

in spite of

  • In spite of his injury, he completed the race.
  • She succeeded in spite of the difficulties.


  • If it rains, we will cancel the picnic.
  • You can join us if you finish your homework.


  • You won’t succeed unless you work hard.
  • We can’t go out unless it stops raining.


  • I don’t know whether to go to the party or stay home.
  • She asked whether he was coming to the meeting.


  • She went to bed early because she was tired.
  • He missed the bus because he woke up late.


  • Since it was raining, we stayed indoors.
  • He has been very happy since he got the job.


  • As it was getting late, we decided to leave.
  • She listened carefully as he explained the process.


  • When the bell rings, class will begin.
  • She was excited when she heard the news.


  • We went for a walk after dinner.
  • She felt better after taking the medicine.


  • He finished his work before the deadline.
  • She always checks her email before starting her day.


  • He worked on the project until midnight.
  • We stayed at the park until it got dark.

as soon as

  • Call me as soon as you arrive.
  • She left the office as soon as the meeting ended.

as long as

  • You can borrow my book as long as you return it.
  • I will help you as long as you need it.

provided that

  • You can go out, provided that you finish your homework.
  • We will agree to the plan provided that the costs are reasonable.


  • Once you understand the concept, it becomes easy.
  • She felt relieved once the exam was over.


  • Visit us whenever you are in town.
  • She smiles whenever she sees a dog.


  • He takes his camera wherever he goes.
  • I will follow you wherever you lead.

now that

  • Now that the rain has stopped, we can go outside.
  • She is happy now that she has found a new job.

in case

  • Take an umbrella in case it rains.
  • We should leave early in case there is traffic.

so that

  • She saved money so that she could buy a car.
  • He practiced daily so that he could improve his skills.

in order that

  • She moved to the city in order that she might find a better job.
  • They studied hard in order that they could pass the exam.

rather than

  • He prefers to walk rather than take the bus.
  • She decided to stay home rather than go out.

as if

  • He behaves as if he owns the place.
  • She looked at him as if he were crazy.

as though

  • He talks as though he knows everything.
  • She acted as though she had never seen him before.

even if

  • I will go for a run even if it is raining.
  • She will help you even if she is busy.


  • She is taller than her brother.
  • He is more experienced than I am.


  • She said that she would come.
  • He believes that honesty is important.


  • She whispered lest she be heard.
  • He ran lest he should miss the train.

by the time

  • By the time we arrived, the show had started.
  • She was tired by the time she finished her work.


  • Now we can finally relax.
  • He is happy now that he has graduated.


  • Finish your homework, then you can watch TV.
  • She took a shower, then she went to bed.


  • He was cooking, meanwhile, she set the table.
  • She finished her work, meanwhile, he started his.


  • He forgot his umbrella, hence he got wet.
  • She was the best candidate, hence she was chosen.


  • He missed the bus, thus he was late for work.
  • She studied hard, thus she passed the exam.


  • He was ill, therefore he couldn’t attend the meeting.
  • The project was successful, therefore the team celebrated.


  • He didn’t study, consequently he failed the exam.
  • She missed the train, consequently she was late.


  • The plan is excellent, furthermore, it is cost-effective.
  • He is talented, furthermore, he is hardworking.


  • The house is beautiful, moreover, it is in a great location.
  • She is intelligent, moreover, she is very kind.


  • He is a great athlete, additionally, he is a good student.
  • The book is informative, additionally, it is very engaging.


  • She has a lot of friends besides her family.
  • I like reading, besides, it is very relaxing.


  • She is a doctor, and also a professor.
  • He is not only a good singer but also a talented dancer.


  • You need to hurry, otherwise you will be late.
  • We should leave now, otherwise, we might miss the train.


  • He chose to walk instead of taking the bus.
  • She decided to rest instead of working late.


  • It was raining; nonetheless, they went for a walk.
  • He was tired; nonetheless, he continued working.


  • The task was difficult; nevertheless, she completed it.
  • He didn’t like the idea; nevertheless, he agreed to it.


  • He was tired, still, he continued working.
  • She was angry, still, she didn’t say anything.


  • The weather was bad; however, they went hiking.
  • He didn’t agree with the decision; however, he accepted it.

on the other hand

  • He loves music; on the other hand, his brother prefers sports.
  • The job is demanding; on the other hand, it is very rewarding.

on the contrary

  • She wasn’t upset; on the contrary, she was very happy.
  • He didn’t fail the test; on the contrary, he scored the highest marks.

in contrast

  • He is very outgoing; in contrast, his sister is very shy.
  • The book is very long; in contrast, the movie is quite short.

instead of

  • He walked to work instead of driving.
  • She chose to stay home instead of going to the party.


  • He would rather read a book than watch TV.
  • She prefers tea rather than coffee.

after all

  • He decided to come after all.
  • She agreed to the plan after all.

in fact

  • She is very talented; in fact, she is the best in her class.
  • He was not late; in fact, he arrived early.


  • She is very kind; indeed, she is the kindest person I know.
  • The movie was interesting; indeed, it was the best I have seen.

of course

  • Of course, you can join us.
  • She will, of course, attend the meeting.


  • You can certainly rely on him.
  • She will certainly succeed in her career.


  • Surely, you don’t believe that.
  • He will surely come to the party.


  • She is undoubtedly the best candidate for the job.
  • He will undoubtedly achieve great success.


  • You are absolutely right.
  • She is absolutely sure about her decision.


  • Naturally, he was excited about the trip.
  • She is naturally talented in music.


  • Surprisingly, he agreed to the proposal.
  • The results were surprisingly good.


  • Fortunately, the weather was perfect for the picnic.
  • He found his keys, fortunately.


  • Unfortunately, the event was canceled.
  • She missed the bus, unfortunately.


  • Eventually, they reached their destination.
  • She found her lost ring eventually.


  • Finally, the long-awaited day arrived.
  • He finally completed his project.

in conclusion

  • In conclusion, the study shows significant results.
  • In conclusion, we must act now to save the planet.

in summary

  • In summary, the findings are quite remarkable.
  • In summary, the project was a success.

in brief

  • In brief, the meeting was productive.
  • In brief, the movie was fantastic.

to sum up

  • To sum up, we achieved all our goals.
  • To sum up, the trip was a great experience.


  • Overall, the project was a success.
  • Overall, she is very satisfied with her job.

all in all

  • All in all, it was a great day.
  • All in all, the performance was outstanding.

in effect

  • The changes will, in effect, improve the system.
  • His words were, in effect, a declaration of intent.


  • She was late, and accordingly, she missed the bus.
  • They followed the instructions accordingly.

in other words

  • He is very frugal; in other words, he hates spending money.
  • The plan failed; in other words, it was a disaster.

that is

  • He is a polyglot; that is, he speaks multiple languages.
  • She is a workaholic; that is, she works all the time.

for example

  • She likes outdoor activities, for example, hiking and biking.
  • He enjoys playing sports, for example, football and basketball.

for instance

  • He travels often, for instance, to Europe and Asia.
  • She has many hobbies, for instance, painting and reading.

in particular

  • She loves fruits, in particular, apples and oranges.
  • He enjoys sports, in particular, soccer and tennis.


  • She was looking for a specific book, specifically one on history.
  • He enjoys all genres of music, specifically classical.

to illustrate

  • He loves animals; to illustrate, he has three dogs and two cats.
  • She is very generous; to illustrate, she donates to charity regularly.
100 Conjunctions in English -

The world of conjunctions in English is rich and varied, offering us a multitude of options to connect ideas and express relationships. By familiarizing yourself with the diverse range of conjunctions, you can add depth and complexity to your language, making your communication more precise and nuanced.

Whether you’re crafting an essay, giving a presentation, or engaging in everyday conversations, the judicious use of conjunctions will enhance your ability to express thoughts, provide explanations, present alternatives, and much more. So, embrace the power of conjunctions, experiment with different combinations, and watch as your language skills soar to new heights.

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