
#islamisthewayoflife,#islamistherightpathofliving,#thedayafter,#lifeafterdeath,#quran,#Allah,#TheLastMessengerofislam,#prophetMohammad (Peace and Mercy of Allah Be Upon Him ).

Islam is a way of life that encompasses a set of beliefs, traditions, and practices that guide every aspect of a Muslim’s life. It’s a God-oriented life that focuses on the Hereafter, or the ideal world of God, and Muslims strive to obey divine injunctions in every aspect of their lives. Islam provides guidance for many areas of life, including: Relationships How to interact with neighbors, eat, dress, talk, and relate to the opposite sex Morality Muslims emphasize the importance of behaving with others as you would like to be treated Family life Muslims value a disciplined and well-organized family life Worship Muslims worship Allah SWT (God) by following the Divine guidelines revealed in the Qur’an and the Tradition of the Prophet In Islam, life on Earth is a test that determines one’s afterlife in either Jannah (Paradise) or Jahannam (Hell).

Allah said in the Quran.Islam is described in this verse as ‘deen’ which means ‘a complete way of life’, and not just a religion. No part of life is outside the realm of Islam, Islam covers all the aspect of life from cradle to grave.

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