Easily connect multiple applications
to automate your tasks



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Benjie Malinao, Automate8

Always Stay Ahead in Automating Your Work!

Easy-to-use inbuilt tools that help you create workflows with advanced capabilities like scheduling, delay, router, and many more.


Schedule Workflows

Set up a date and time at which you want the workflow to be executed. Like on a specific day, once in a day, and every minute or an hour or days or weeks.


Delay Workflows

Delay step allows you to delay performing the next action for a specified amount of period. The period can be either mins/hours/days/weeks or any specific date and time.


Advance Workflows

Create advanced workflows with the help of routers/paths. With the help of a router, you will be able to execute different actions based on the filter conditions you set.


Email Parser

Email Parser automatically extracts data from the incoming emails like email name, subject, the body of the email, attachments, etc. which can be processed further.


Connect Any Application

API modules enabled integrating with any application which offer API for integration. This module offers you various custom options as well that support various structures of API.



Iterator divides a collection of data into numerous values, which are then processed one by one until the last value is reached. Each value can be passed to other action steps added after the Iterator step.

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