Youtube Golden & Silver Play Button Unboxing || Thanks for Supporting Me || Hammad Safi

Youtube Golden & Silver Play Button Unboxing || Thanks for Supporting Me || Hammad Safi

Hammad Safi11.5 lakh subscribers




Download3,511 views 02-Dec-2022\Golden & Silver Play Button Unboxing || Thanks for Supporting Me || Hammad Safi It is a matter of Honour and prestige for me to let all my well wishers and followers know that i have received Golden and Silver button from Youtube. This is possible just because of my followers and supporters who kept on watching my videos and kept on supporting me during the journey so far. I would also like to dedicate both the buttons to my followers. Thank You and Keep on supporting me #Hammadsafivideos#motivationalspeaker#professorhammadsafi_____________/Connect On Social Media\____________ | ► Urdu Blog :➜ ► Facebook:➜… ► My Twitter:➜ ► Instagram :➜… ► institution :➜ ► Personal :➜ ► website :➜ ► Email Me :➜ …………………………………………………………………………….. Introduction: Hammad Safi is a world youngest motivational speaker and a name of inspiration for the people living around Pakistan and Globe. He is an internet sensation ,having more than 7 million subscribers on different social media platforms including YouTube . Beginning his journey at early age , He has successfully been covering his vision of seeing a United, Strong and Educated Pakistan, he has become a heartthrob of his followers. He is renowned for being the Youngest Motivational Speaker, Philanthropist, Writer and Super Kids Trainer at The University of Spoken English and Computer Sciences, Peshawar. Moving around Pakistan, he has been delivering Successful sessions leaving his audience a prolonged hallucination. His dreams are inspired by the doctrine of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, who he always quotes in his speech and belives his lessons to be a life guide for the people.

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