What is Ai

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of technologies that allow computers and machines to perform advanced functions that are similar to human cognitive functions, such as learning, problem-solving, and creativity

  • Learning: AI can learn from experience and adjust to new inputs. 
  • Problem-solving: AI can use reasoning and trade-offs to solve problems. For example, AI can find the best way to get from one place to another. 
  • Creativity: AI can simulate creativity. 

AI can also perform other functions, such as: 

  • Seeing: AI can see. 
  • Understanding and translating language: AI can understand and translate spoken and written language. 
  • Analyzing data: AI can process large amounts of data in ways that humans can’t. 
  • Making recommendations: AI can make recommendations. 
  • Interacting with the environment: AI can interact with the environment. 

Some examples of AI include chess-playing computers and self-driving cars. 

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