English Workshop Assignments:-

  1. Write definition of word and give 5, 5 examples, use it in sentences.
  2. Write definition of sentence and give 5, 5 examples, use it in sentences.
  3. Write about types of sentences and give 5, 5 examples.
  4. Write about the types of sentences based on structure/complexity and give 5, 5 examples.
  5. Write about the types of sentences based on function/meanings and give 5, 5 examples.
  6. Write about the Parts of Speech. Write the Definition of each parts of speech, give 5,5 examples, use them in sentences and make 5, 5 sentences of all the parts of speech.
  7. Write about the various types of Nouns give 5, 5 examples of each type and write their definitions and make 5, 5 sentences of all of them.
  8. What is Conjugation of Noun? Write about Number, Gender, Person and Mood.
  9. Write about the various types of Pronouns give 5, 5 examples of each type and write their definitions and make 5, 5 sentences of all of them.
  10. Write about the Types of Pronouns, their definitions, examples and usage in sentences.
  11. What is Conjugation of Pronoun? Write about Number, Gender, and Person.
  12. Write about the Adjectives, its Definitions, give 5, 5 examples of each type and write their various definitions and make 5, 5 sentences of all of them.
  13. Write about the Verbs, its Definition and give 5, 5 examples of each type and write their definitions and make 5, 5 sentences of all of them.
  14. Write about the Adverbs, its Definition, give 5, 5 examples of each type and write their various definitions and make 5, 5 sentences of all of them.
  15. Write about the Prepositions, its Definition, give 5, 5 examples of each type and write their various definitions and make 5, 5 sentences of all of them.
  16. Write about the types of Conjunctions give 5, 5 examples of each type and write their definitions and make 5, 5 sentences of all of them.
  17. Write about the Interjections, give 5, 5 examples of each type and write their definitions and make 5, 5 sentences of all of them.
  18. Make a list of 1000 nouns of various types
  19. Make a list of pronouns of common use.
  20. Make a list of various types of Adjectives and also make a List of Comparisons of adjectives.
  21. Write 1000 verbs with its various forms.
  22. Write a list of Adverbs of various types.
  23. Write a list of Prepositions of various types.
  24. Write a list of Conjunctions of various types
  25. Write a list of Interjections in common use.
  26. Write about the Tenses and Their various types.
  27. Write Complete Tenses Chart / Tenses Table.
  28. Write about formation of sentences and what is the essential part of a sentence?
  29. Write 12 sentences based on tenses chart.
  30. Translate them into your mother tongue for complete understanding.
  31. Transform these 12 simple sentences based on tenses chart into Negative Sentences.
  32. Transform these 12 simple sentences based on tenses chart into Interrogative Sentences.
  33. Transform these 12 simple sentences based on tenses chart into Negative Interrogative Sentences.
  34. Transform these 12 simple sentences into Imperative Sentences.
  35. Transform these 12 simple sentences into Exclamatory Sentences.
  36. Transform these 12 simple sentences which you made based on tenses chart into Compound Sentences.
  37. Transform these 12 simple sentences which you made based on tenses chart into Complex Sentences.
  38. Transform these 12 simple sentences which you made based on tenses chart into Compound Complex Sentences.
  39. What is a paragraph?
  40. What is an Article?
  41. What are a Lesson / Story?
  42. Explain what a Book is.
  43. Write an Article about Post Office in not less than 500 words.
  44. Write an Article about School in not less than 1000 words.
  45. Write an Article about Bank in not less than 1500 words.
  46. Write an Article about Digital Marketing in not less than 2000 words.
  47. Write an Article about Democracy in not less than 2500 words.
  48. Write an Article about Health, Fitness and Hospital in not less than 3000 words.
  49. Get prepared for a Group Discussion on Elections.
  50. Get prepared for a Group Discussion on Internet.
  51. Get prepared for a Group Discussion on Educational Institutions in India.
  52. Get prepared for a Group Discussion on Educational Institutions Abroad.
  53. Get prepared for a Group Discussion on Entrepreneurship in India.
  54. Get prepared for a Group Discussion on Global Issues.
  55. Get prepared for a Group Discussion on UNO.
  56. Get prepared for a Group Discussion on G20
  57. Get prepared for a Group Discussion on Female Empowerment.
  58. Get prepared for a Group Discussion on Islam.
  59. Prepare a list of 2 letters words containing at least 20 words.
  60. Prepare a list of 3 letters words containing at least 20 words.
  61. Prepare a list of 4 letters words containing at least 20 words.
  62. Prepare a list of 5 letters words containing at least 20 words.
  63. Prepare a list of 6 letters words containing at least 20 words.
  64. Prepare a list of 7 letters words containing at least 20 words.
  65. Prepare a list of 8 letters words containing at least 20 words.
  66. Prepare a list of 9 letters words containing at least 20 words.
  67. Prepare a list of 10 letters words containing at least 20 words.
  68. Prepare a list of 11 letters words containing at least 10 words.
  69. Prepare a list of 12 letters words containing at least 10 words.
  70. Prepare a list of 13 letters words containing at least 10 words.
  71. Prepare a list of 14 letters words containing at least 10 words.
  72. What is syllable? Write definition of syllable and write examples of words of mono syllable, bi syllables, tri syllables, poly syllables.
  73. Explain simple words, compound words.
  74. Write 100 examples of synonyms and antonyms.
  75. What is phrase and clause?
  76. Write 50 proverbs.
  77. Write a leave letter to the principal/class teacher for 2 days leave.
  78. Prepare you CV for a part time job.
  79. Write a letter to the Editor of Daily News Paper complaining about the bad drainage system in your locality/colony.
  80. Write a letter to your area comparator/MLA complaining of bad roads and improper sanitation in your surroundings.

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