Don’t start freelancing without this thing! (or you may regret it in the long term)

Life as a freelancer has its’ perks that give you:

  1. Freedom of Time
  2. Freedom of Money
  3. Freedom of Location

But it is very easy to stagnate and lose track of your growth overall.

Once you start freelancing, you will struggle a lot to get your first few clients.

Maybe you’ll work for free, get some case studies and then go into the market with an offer.

This part of freelancing is exciting.

It is new and the thrill is good.

Once you have a few sets of clients, you will start focusing on working for them.

Some clients are happy, some are not.

That’s okay, this always happens.

But then you start seeing the pattern in your work, and to optimize it, you start developing your processes.

Due to these processes, your work finishes faster than ever and your clients are also able to get predictable results.

Now, you have a good amount of revenue as well as freedom of time and location.

This is where as a freelancer, you start enjoying the perks of your decision.

But, in my experience, this is the place where you don’t wanna extend your stay.

Enjoy what you’ve got, relax, and start looking for the next move.

Because if you don’t have the next move planned, you start wasting more and more of the “Free Time” you’ve created.

There is no ladder in front of you as a freelancer.

In a job, you have a clear roadmap: Executive >> Manager >> Head >> Director >> VP >> C-Suite

If you work hard, and play the role, you will be able to move up the ladder.

Once you are in a certain role, your senior becomes your mentor and guides you to grow.

Even if you are not willing to work hard, the job can show a great outcome if you do.

With freelancing, it is all in the dark.

The outcomes on the other end may be 10X better than those of a job, but still, you can’t see them.

So, as a freelancer, apart from the skills that you have, you need this one more thing to be sane and keep growing and enjoying the perks in the long run:

A Growth Mindset.

My hack to keep the Growth Mindset alive is to keep in touch with my community of freelancers and entrepreneurs.

You are a mixture of people around you.

Surround yourself with people with a growth mindset & you will not be the one left out.

So, do you have a growth mindset today?

What is your hack to keep it alive?

Let me know in the comments below.

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