5 ways of Following

5 ways of Following-up your leads to maximize your Funnel Conversions** **Email marketing:- **E-mail marketing is one of the best way to follow up on your leads. When you have a large list of thousands of people then you can send them email reminders, Value emails, offers and success stories etc. It will help you in engaging your leads and motivate them to buy your product/service or move to the next step of your funnel. **Retargeting Ads:- **There are two types of ads **1.) Prospecting ads-** which fill your retargeting bucket and consume 80% of the ads budget and give 20% of total conversions. **2.) Retargeting ads-** which are shown to the people who have engaged with prospecting ads and it gives 80% of overall conversion. Retargeting ads are also a great way of following up with your leads or people who have shown interest in your product/service. **WhatsApp Marketing:- **WhatsApp Marketing is also a great way of following up on your leads because Nowadays, everyone uses WhatsApp and checks every notification on WhatsApp. So, it is a great way of following up on your leads as the high open rate of WhatsApp. **SMS Reminders:- **Text messages also is a good way of follow-up. SMS can use as a reminder for webinars, free videos, or some valuable content. It can also use as a reminder of the abundant cart when someone leaves the purchase at the last step. **Sales Call:- **Sales call is also a great way of increasing conversions because it gives us a direct medium to communicate with our customers and understand where they are stuck and what objections and fears they have and we can give them solutions directly and kill their objection. In this way, the sale will happen on a sales call. Thanks.

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