Advanced Digital Marketing Training in Hyderabad

Advanced Digital Marketing Training in Hyderabad

Digital Marketing Course Curriculum

DIGITALMARKETINGACADEMY is one of the leading Digital Marketing Training Center in Hyderabad Providing Online and Offline Courses in (SEO, SEM , SMO and SMM), at best prices compared to other digital marketing institutes in Hyderabad, best Training Classes in digital marketing Class like SEO, SMO, SEM (PPC) , Content Marketing, Video & Social Media Marketing.

Orientation to Digital Marketing
Understanding of Internet & Websites
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Social Media Marketing 
Google Analytics
Lead Generation
Affiliate Marketing
Mobile & SMS Marketing
Google Ad Words
Online Display Advertising
Ecommerce Marketing
Online Reputation Management
Creating Marketing Strategy
Case Studies
How to grab freelancing projects

•    We are in this field for more than 20 years as professionals, who are looking out for the Digital Marketing career or assistance. With focus on comprehensive Digital Marketing Training aspects, we Train on 360 degree digital marketing that will help an Individual discover best methods to market a product or services online successfully. We support freshers, graduates, working professionals and established marketers who require assistance to up skill in digital marketing world.

Faculties and Trainers and Coaches have all working experience in the real projects in the market.

•    Our Trainers are supported by technology, documents and practical resources that enable the students to learn and refresh the required knowledge at a destined time and pace.

•    Being an adwords certified individual, trainers have more than 20+ years of experience along with adword certification and web analytics certification and our modules are built to cover the key aspects of digital marketing focusing on core business.

•    The Training programs are designed to bridge the gap between traditional academia and industry demands.

Who Should Attend?
•    Working Professionals
Open gates for multiple industries. Get a plethora of job opportunities. Expertise your skills for career growth Planning to start your own business? Work as a part timer, make money online.
•    Entrepreneurs
Market your company or business online, Reach targeted audience and boost traffic, Generate leads and covert sales, Save up to 75% of marketing costs, Track and measure your campaign.
•    Freshers
More than 1 lac job openings in India, Build your career in Digital marketing, Creative and easy to understand, Developing skills in digital marketing ensures you guaranteed job.

Why Digital Marketing Academy ?
•    Highlights
Advanced Digital Marketing, In-Depth Study materials, Experienced Faculty, Adwords Certification, Job Assistance and Interview Training, Practical Assignments
•    Flexibilities
One-to-one attention, Limited Students, Back-up classes if you miss any, Job Assistance and Placements.
•    Placements
More than 1 Lac opening for Digital Marketing Executives and Managers in India.
Rakesh Tech Solutions provides placement assistance at leading organizations of the Industry.

Course Content:

Digital Marketing Introduction :-

  • What is Digital Marketing?
  • Why Digital Marketing?
  • Digital Marketing VS Traditional Marketing
  • How is it different from traditional marketing?
  • Digital Marketing platforms and Strategy?
  • Types of Digital Marketing – Organic & Paid
  • ROI between Digital and traditional marketing?
  • Online Earnings on Digital Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing on Digital Marketing

Understanding the Domain , WebHosting And  Websites:-

  • Domain Registration.
  • Web Hosting Purchase.
  • What is a website?
  • Types of websites?
  • Website Architecture.
  • Dynamic and Responsive Websites.
  • WHM
  • Cpanel
  • File Uplaoding and Downloading.

Free Website Creations:-

  • Blogger
  • WordPress

Keyword Selection Strategies:-

  • Keyword Analysis
  • keyword analysis tools
  • Keyword Competition
  • Keyword Selection

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):-

  • What is SEO?
  • Introduction to search engines
  • How search engines works ?
  • Business Analysis
  • Web position Analysis
  • Comepetition Analysis
  • SEO Tools
  • Google Algorithms and Updates

On Page Optimization:-

  • Title Tag
  • Meta Description
  • Meta Tags
  • Canonical form
  • Alt Tag
  • Anchor Text
  • Header Tag
  • Robots.txt
  • Xml Sitemap
  • Redirections ( 301, 302)
  • 404 File Not Found
  • Server Side Errors ( Ex. 500, 502. 503.. )
  • Webmasters (Google, Bing, Yadex, Majestic)
  • Google Analytics

Offpage Optimization:-

  • Search Engine Submissions
  • Backlink Submission
  • Social Book markings
  • PPT, PDF, Document Submisson
  • Classified Submissions
  • Article Submissions
  • Content Marketing
  • Image Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Video Strategy
  • Event Creations
  • Question And Answers

Social Media Optimization (SMO):-

Google Maps:-

  • Google Maps Creation
  • Google Maps Postings
  • Google Mapping Updates
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Event Creations
  • Sales
  • Offer Promotions


  • Profile Creations
  • Creating groups and pages
  • Tips and Guides
  • Posts And promotions
  • Events Creations and promotions
  • Video Making and Marketing
  • Promotional Techniques
  • Integration Techniques
  • Money Earning
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Jobs
  • Sales


  • Set-up and usage
  • Tips
  • Promoted Tweets
  • Video Marketing
  • Promotional Techniques
  • Integration Techniques
  • Analytics
  • Marketing Techniques
  • Marketing Strategies


  • Profile Creations
  • Company Page Creations
  • Tips and Guides
  • Linkedin Groups
  • Video Posting and Marketing
  • Promotional Techniques
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Integration Techniques


  • Integration Techniques
  • Promotional Techniques
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Posting Techniques

Search Engine Marketing (SEM):-

Introduction to SEM:-

Google Adwords:-

  • Introduction to Search Engine Marketing
  • Tools used for Search engine Marketing
  • Search Advertising
  • Display Advertising
  • Mobile Advertising
  • Video Advertising
  • Shopping Advertising
  • Report generation

Google Adwords Express

  • Setup
  • Google Mapping Ads
  • How to business leads
  • How to get google map Leads

Google AdSense:-

Bing Ads:-

  • Setup
  • Payment Adding
  • Create Ads
  • Marketing

Social Media Marketing (SMM):-

Introduction to SMM:-


  • Sing up
  • Payments Methods
  • Paid Promotion
  • Video Ads
  • Event Marketing


  • Set-up and usage
  • Tips
  • Promoted Tweets
  • 8 Modules of Ads
  • Payment Method
  • Video Ads
  • Mobile Apps Install And Engagement


  • Setup Paid Ads
  • Linkedin Post promotions
  • LinkedIn Paid Campaigns
  • Video marketing
  • Inmail Marketing
  • Payment Method
  • Setup New Ads
  • Discussion Update Ads



Payment Method


Website Traffic

Image Ads

Video Ads

Affiliate Marketing:-

  • What is Affiliate Marketing
  • Components of Affiliate Marketing
  • Affiliate marketing types
  • Affiliate marketing tools
  • Earning Techniques

Email Marketing:-

  • How Email Marketing Works?
  • Types of mails
  • What to write
  • How to write
  • list creation
  • Creating e-mailers
  • Tracking emailers
  • Create Template
  • Reporting

Mobile App Promotions:-

  • Android Apps
  • Iphone Apps
  • Onapge Optimization
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Marketing Tips


  • Google Partners
  • Search Advertising
  • Display Advertising
  • Mobile Advertising
  • Video Advertising
  • Shopping Advertising
  • Google Analytics
  • Social Media Marketing Certification


  • Introduction to Google Analytics
  • Different types of analytical Tools
  • Report generation
  • Conversion tracking setup


  • Alexa
  • AddThis
  • Pintrest
  • MOZ
  • Keywords Everywhere


  • Hootsuite

Image Design Tools

  • Canva

Online Reputation Management

  • Importance of ORM in Digital Marketing
  • ORM tools and Techiniques

Earning Types:-

Google Adsense

  • Content Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Freelancing
  • Entrepreneur

Digital Marketing Work Process:-

  • implementing all the digital marketing practises on a project
  • connecting one module to the other module
  • rotating the customer
  • conversion tracking set up

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