Month: July 2024



Want to Work With Shakeel Ahmad Meer? Please Visit:

For more details : +971 52 475 9162 ______________________________________________________________________ Who is Shakeel Ahmad Meer Investor, Serial Entrepreneur & International Business & Wealth Coach. Mr. Meer’s Portfolio Includes Over 100 Businesses In Various Countries. His Current Focus Is Green Technology Includes EV And Renewable Energy, Information Technology & IOT, And E-Commerce. His Vision Is To Play His Role In Bringing A Positive Change In The World. Today, Meer Is Followed By Millions Of People On Social Media And His Projects Are Among The Biggest On The World Stage. He Currently Resides In Dubai Leading An International Network Of Investors, Entrepreneurs & Start-Ups. Meer Was Born In A Middle Class Family In A Small Village Of AJK. He Was A Very Bright And Peculiarly Restless Student Through His Early Education. He Had Keen Interest In Science From A Very Young Age And Wanted To Be An Engineer. Fast Forward To His Early Adulthood, Meer Graduated In Mechanical Engineering From University Of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. Soon Afterwards, He Worked As A Production Engineer In A Local Firm For A Year But Felt That There Was Something Still Missing. He Moved To The U.K. And Did His Masters From Glasgow University In Manufacturing Management, Which Led To A Job In A Glasgow Based Engineering Firm. Throughout His Educational Journey, Meer Worked Hard To Pay For His Education. He Would Sometimes Take As Long As 18 Hrs Shift Without A Second Thought Crossing His Mind. He Continued His Job For A Couple Of Years When He Realized That His Vision Of Doing Something Big Could Not Be Fulfilled Without Starting His Own Business. Over The Next Couple Of Years, His Struggle Continued & His Big Break Came When He Managed To Sell One Of His Businesses For 10 Million Dollars! ______________________________________________________________________ ● GET IN TOUCH WITH ME : • Facebook :   / shakeelahmadmeerofficial   • Instagram :   / shakeel.ahmad.meer   •TikTok :   / shakeel.ahmad.meer  

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The Most Profitable Businesses in 2024 – Meer Means Business ep1


The Most Profitable Businesses in 2024 – Meer Means Business ep1


Digital Marketing Course

Digital marketing training institute in patel nagar

Digital Marketing Course

डिजिटल मार्केटिंग क्या है

आज के युग में सब ऑनलाइन हो गया है। इंटरनेट ने हमारे जीवन को बेहतर बनाया है और हम इसके माध्यम से कई सुविधाओं का आनंद केवल फ़ोन या लैपटॉप के ज़रिये ले सकते है। Online shopping, Ticket booking, Recharges, Bill payments, Online Transactions (ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग, टिकट बुकिंग, रिचार्ज, बिल पेमेंट, ऑनलाइन ट्रांसक्शन्स) आदि जैसे कई काम हम इंटरनेट के ज़रिये कर सकते है । इंटरनेट के प्रति Users के इस रुझान की वजह से बिज़नेस Digital Marketing (डिजिटल मार्केटिंग) को अपना रहे है । डिजिटल मार्केटिंग नये ग्राहकों तक पहुंचने का सरल माध्यम है। यह विपणन गतिविधियों को पूरा करता है। इसे ऑनलाइन मार्केटिंग भी कहा जा सकता है। कम समय में अधिक लोगों तक पहुंच कर विपणन करना डिजिटल मार्केटिंग है। यह प्रोध्योगीकि विकसित करने वाला विकासशील क्षेत्र है।

डिजिटल मार्केटिंग से उत्पादक अपने ग्राहक तक पहुंचने के साथ ही साथ उनकी गतिविधियों, उनकी आवश्यकताओं पर भी दृष्टी रख सकता है। ग्राहकों का रुझान किस तरफ है, ग्राहक क्या चाह रहा है, इन सभी पर विवेचना डिजिटल मार्केटिंग के द्वारा की जा सकती है। सरल भाषा में कहें तो डिजिटल मार्केटिंग डिजिटल तकनीक द्वारा ग्राहकों तक पहुंचने का एक माध्यम है।

What is Digital Marketing Course

In today’s era, everything has gone online. Internet has made our lives better and through this we can enjoy many facilities only through phone or laptop. We can do many things like online shopping, ticket booking, recharges, bill payments, online transactions (online shopping, ticket booking, recharge, bill payment, online transactions) etc. through internet. Because of this trend of users towards the Internet, businesses are adopting Digital Marketing. Digital marketing is a simple way to reach new customers. It carries out marketing activities. It can also be called online marketing. Digital marketing is marketing to reach more people in less time. It is a technological developing area. Digital marketing course in Delhi allows the producer to reach his customer as well as keep an eye on their activities, their needs. What is the trend of customers, what is the customer looking for, all these can be discussed through digital marketing. Simply put, digital marketing is a means of reaching customers through digital technology.

डिजिटल मार्केटिंग क्यो आवश्यक है ?

यह आधुनिकता का दौर है और इस आधुनिक समय में हर वस्तु में आधुनिककरन हुआ है। इसी क्रम में इंटरनेट भी इसी आधुनिकता का हिस्सा है जो जंगल की आग की तरह सभी जगह व्याप्त है। डिजिटल मार्केटिंग इंटरनेट के माध्यम से कार्य करने में सक्षम है। जनता अपनी सुविधा के अनुसार इंटरनेट के जरिये अपना मनपसंद व आवश्यक सामान आसानी से प्राप्त कर सकती है । अब बाज़ार जाने से लोग बचते हैं ऐसे में डिजिटल मार्केटिंग बिज़नेस को अपने products और services लोगो तक पहुंचाने में मदद करती है।

डिजिटल मार्केटिंग कम समय में एक ही वस्तु के कयी प्रकार दिखा सकता है और उप्भोक्ता को जो उपभोग पसंद है वे तुरंत उसे ले सकता है। इस माध्यम से उपभोकता का बाज़ार जाना वस्तु पसंद करने, आने जाने में जो समय लगता है वो बच जाता है । ये वर्तमान काल में आवश्यक हो गया है । व्यापारी को भी व्यापार में मदद मिल रही है। वो भी कम समय में अधिक लोगो से जुड़ सकता है और अपने उत्पाद की खूबियाँ उपभोक्ता तक पहुँचा सकता है।

Importance of Digital Marketing Course in Business

This is the era of modernity and in this modern time everything has been modernized. In this sequence, the Internet is also a part of this modernity, which is prevalent everywhere like wildfire. Digital marketing is capable of functioning through the Internet. The public can easily get their favorite and necessary goods through the internet as per their convenience. Now people avoid going to the market, in such a situation, digital marketing helps the business to reach its products and services logo. Digital marketing can show different types of the same item in a short period of time, and consumers can quickly consume what they like. Through this, the consumer goes to the market to enjoy the goods, the time it takes to come and go. It has become necessary in the present tense. The trader is also getting help in business. He can also connect with more people in a short time and can convey the features of his product to the consumer.

वर्तमान समय में डिजिटल मार्केटिंग की मांग –

परिवर्तन जीवन का नियम है , यह तो आप सब जानते ही हैं। पहले समय में और आज के जीवन में कितना बदलाव हुआ है और आज इंटरनेट का जमाना है । हर वर्ण के लोग आज इंटरनेट से जुड़े है, इन्ही सब के कारण सभी लोगो को एक स्थान पर एकत्र कर पाना आसान है जो पहले समय में सम्भव नही था । इंटरनेट के जरिये हम सभी व्यवसायी और ग्राहक का तारतम्य स्थापित भी कर सकते हैं।

डिजिटल मार्केटिंग की मांग वर्तमान समय में बहुत प्रबल रुप में देखने को मिल रही है। व्यापारी जो अपना सामान बना रहा है , वो आसानी से ग्राहक तक पहुंचा रहा है। इससे डिजिटल व्यापार को बढ़ावा मिल रहा है ।

पहले विज्ञापनो का सहारा लेना पड़ रहा था। ग्राहक उसे देखता था, फिर पसंद करता था , फिर वह उसे खरीदता था। परंतु अब सीधा उपभोक्ता तक सामान भेजा जा सकता है । हर व्यक्ति गूगल, फेसबुक , यूट्यूब आदि उपयोग कर रहा है, जिसके द्वारा व्यापारी अपना उत्पाद-ग्राहक को दिखाता है । यह व्यापार सबकी पहुंच में है- व्यापारी व उपभोक्ता की भी।

हर व्यक्ति को आराम से बिना किसी परिश्रम के प्रतयेक उपयोग की चीज़ मिल जाती है। व्यापारी को भी यह सोचना नही पड़ता कि वह अखबार, पोस्टर, या विज्ञापन का सहारा ले। सबकी सुविधा के मद्देनजर इसकी मांग है। लोगों का विश्वास भी डिजिटल मार्किट की ओर बड़ रहा है। यह एक व्यापारी के लिये हर्ष का विषय है। कहावत है “ जो दिखता है वही बिकता है” – डिजिटल मार्किट इसका अच्छा उदाहरण है ।

Demand for Digital Marketing Course in Present Times

Change is the law of life, you all know this. How much has changed in the first time and in today’s life and today is the age of the Internet. People of all varnas are connected to the Internet today, due to all this it is easy to collect all the people in one place, which was not possible in the first time. Through internet, we can also establish the connection of all businessmen and customers. The demand of digital marketing is being seen very strongly in the present time. The merchant who is making his goods is easily passing on to the customer. This is giving a boost to digital business. Earlier, had to resort to advertisements. The customer looked at him, then liked, then he would buy it. But now goods can be sent directly to the consumer. Every person is using Google, Facebook, YouTube etc., through which the trader shows his product to the customer. This trade is within the reach of all – traders and consumers as well. Every person gets everything for every use without any hard work. The businessman does not even have to think of resorting to newspapers, posters, or advertisements. In view of the convenience of all, there is demand for it. People’s trust is also moving towards the digital market. This is a matter of joy for a businessman. The saying goes “what sells is what you see” – a good example of a Digital Marketing.

डिजिटल मार्केटिंग के प्रकार-

सबसे पहले तो आपको यह बता दे कि डिजिटल मार्केटिंग करने के लिये ‘इंटरनेट’ ही एक मात्र साधन है। इंटरनेट पर ही हम अलग-अलग वेबसाइट के द्वारा डिजिटल मार्केटिंग कर सकते हैं । इसके कुछ प्रकार के बारे में हम आपको बताने जा रहे हैं –

Types of Digital Marketing

First of all, let us tell you that ‘Internet’ is the only means for doing digital marketing. On the Internet itself, we can do digital marketing through different websites. We are going to tell you about some of its types.

सर्च इंजन औप्टीमाइज़ेषन या SEO

यह एक ऐसा तकनीकी माध्यम है जो आपकी वेबसाइट को सर्च इंजन के परिणाम पर सबसे ऊपर जगह दिलाता है जिससे दर्शकों की संख्या में बड़ोतरी होती है। इसके लिए हमें अपनी वेबसाइट को कीवर्ड और SEO guidelines के अनुसार बनाना होता है।

Search Engine Optimization Course in Patel Nagar or SEO Course in Patel Nagar

This is a technical medium that places your website at the top of the search engine results which increases the number of visitors. For this, we have to make our website according to keyword and SEO guidelines.

सोशल मीडिया मार्केटिंग

सोशल मीडिया कई वेबसाइट से मिलकर बना है – जैसे Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, आदि । सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से व्यक्ति अपने विचार हजारों लोगों के सामने रख सकता है । आप भली प्रकार सोशल मीडिया के बारे में जानते है । जब हम ये साइट देखते हैं तो इस पर कुछ-कुछ अन्तराल पर हमे विज्ञापन दिखते हैं यह विज्ञापन के लिये कारगार व असरदार जरिया है।

Social Media Marketing Course in Patel Nagar, Delhi

Social media is made up of many websites – such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Through social media, a person can express his views in front of thousands of people. You are well aware of social media. When we see this site, we see advertisements on it at certain intervals, it is effective and effective means for advertising.

ईमेल मार्केटिंग

किसी भी कंपनी द्वारा अपने उत्पादों को ई-मेल के द्वारा पहुंचाना ई-मेल मार्केटिंग है। ईमेल मार्केटिंग हर प्रकार से हर कंपनी के लिये आवश्यक है क्योकी कोई भी कंपनी नये प्रस्ताव और छूट ग्राहको के लिये समयानुसार देती हैं जिसके लिए ईमेल मार्केटिंग एक सुगम रास्ता है।

Email Marketing Course in Moti Nagar, Delhi

E-Mail Marketing is the delivery of your products via email to any company. Email marketing is essential for every company in every way, because any company gives new offers and discounts to customers on time, for which email marketing is an easy way.

यूट्यूब चेनल मार्केटिंग

सोशल मीडिया का ऐसा माध्यम है जिसमे उत्पादक अपने उत्पादों को लोगों के समक्ष प्रत्यक्ष रुप से पहुंचाना है। लोग इस पर अपनी प्रतिक्रया भी व्यक्त कर सकते हैं। ये वो माध्यम है जहां बहुत से लोगो की भीड़ रह्ती है या यूं कह लिजिये की बड़ी सन्ख्या में users/viewers यूट्यूब पर रह्ते हैं। ये अपने उत्पाद को लोगों के समक्ष वीडियो बना कर दिखाने का सुलभ व लोकप्रिय माध्यम है।

YouTube Channel Marketing Course in Patel Nagar

Social Media is a medium in which producers have to communicate their products directly to the people. People can also express their reaction on this. This is the medium where there is a crowd of many people or just say that a large number of users / viewers live on YouTube. It is an easy and popular way to make your product visible to the public by making videos.

अफिलिएट मार्केटिंग

वेबसाइट, ब्लोग या लिंक के माध्यम से उत्पादनों के विज्ञापन करने से जो मेहनताना मिलता है, इसे ही अफिलिएट मार्केटिंग कहा जाता है। इसके अन्तर्गत आप अपना लिंक बनाते हैं और अपना उत्पाद उस लिंक पर डालते है । जब ग्राहक उस लिंक को दबाकर आपका उत्पाद खरीदता है तो आपको उस पर मेहन्ताना मिलता है।

Affiliate Marketing Course in Karol Bagh

The remuneration that is earned by advertising products through website, blog or link is called Affiliate Marketing. Under this, you create your link and put your product on that link. When a customer buys your product by pressing that link, you get hard work on it.

पे पर क्लिक ऐडवर्टाइज़िंग

जिस विज्ञापन को देखने के लिए आपको भुगतान करना पड़ता है उसे ही पे पर क्लिक ऐडवर्टीजमेंट कहा जाता है। जैसा की इसके नाम से विदित हो रहा है की इस पर क्लिक करते ही पैसे कटते हैं । यह हर प्रकार के विज्ञापन के लिये है ।यह विज्ञापन बीच में आते रह्ते हैं। अगर इन विज्ञापनो को कोई देखता है तो पैसे कटते हैं । यह भी डिजिटल मार्केटिंग का एक प्रकार है।

Pay Per Click -PPC Advertising Course in Patel Nagar

The advertisement which you have to pay to see is called Pay Per Click Advertising. As it is being known by its name that money is deducted by clicking on it. This is for every type of advertisement. These advertisements keep coming in between. If someone sees these advertisements, then money is deducted. It is also a type of digital marketing.

What will you learn in this Digital Marketing Course in Patel Nagar?

In this Digital Marketing Course, we provide you a detail and practical knowledge key to become digital marketing Expert, from mobile marketing and social media marketing to Email marketing, PPC marketing, search marketing, SEO, analytics, digital strategy, and planning.

Topics covers in digital marketing course:

  • Concepts & Definition of Digital Marketing
  • Traditional Approach
  • Digital Approach
  • New Marketing
  • Digital Channels: SEO, Search Marketing (PPC), Email Marketing, Display Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Mobile Marketing
  • Google Analytics
  • Digital Strategy & Planning for Product

Who should take this digital marketing course?

A background in a related discipline is not required; the aim of the Digital Marketing Course in Patel Nagar is to enable you to have an overview of everything you need to know about Digital Marketing Training Institute in Patel Nagar. You could be a manager, executive, fresh graduate, beginner, a small business owner or marketing professional looking to catch up with the digital business environment. Gyan vigyan is the best place if you are looking for the best and affordable digital marketing course in Moti Nagar.

  • Duration: 4 Months
  • Daily / Alternative / Weekend

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  • We’re happy to assist you in your journey towards a brighter career. Drop your details below and our team will reach you for further assistance.

Full NameEmailPhone NumberSelect Course- Select -Digital MarketingE-TaxationMS Office- Basics of ComputerData Entry TrainingAdvance ExcelAngular JSVideo Editing With Adobe PremiereWebsite DesigningBanking and Finance ManagementOffice ManagementBusy With GSTTally With GSTCertified AccountantPayroll ExecutiveSubmit

Student Reviews

Best Institute to learn Digital Marketing. I Learned DM Course from Gyan Vigyan And Got An Paid Internship. Thanks To Gyan Vigyan and Specially Manoj Sir And Vipin Sir For Their Proper Guidence.

Harsimar Singh

Digital Marketing

Gyan Vigyan is the best computer education institute and their teachers are very helpful and best

Bhanvi Sonkar

Digital Marketing

Course Content

Module-1 Introduction to Digital Marketing

Module-2 Content Creation

Module-3 Graphic Design

Module-4 Video Making

Module-5 Website Planning

Module-6 Website Creation

Module-7 Professional Blogging

Module-8 SEO

Module-9 SMO

Module-10 PPC

Module-11 Affiliate Marketing

Module-12 Instagram Marketing

Module-13 Facebook Ads

Module-14 YouTube Channel

Module-15 E Commerce Website

Module-16 Google AdSense

Module-17 Google Analytics

Module-18 Google Certification



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Advance Excel Course

Duration : 1 MonthsFee : ₹0.00 ₹ 1999With Free Certificate

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Certified Students

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Student Reviews

Mukul Kanderi

hello STP , its been a wonderful experience of your courses u offered for free to the students and giving legit or verified certification to the student .
i am searching for free courses for ms excel and after researching my sites , i landed on ur sites and i found my course for free with certificate.
thank you for providing free courses to student. i love ur platform and courses offered .
Mukul kanderi

Anuj Sarwan

I have completed Tally ERP 9 course in stp computer education. I am glad to share my review that the coaching is fully based on practical data and not theory based. Though I am from non-accounting background it was easy to learn from his teaching method. I learned in an interesting way and best way of teaching…with best regards..Anuj

Arunabha De

It’s a very good institution for learning basic computer things like ms word, ms excel, ms power point etc. It will also provide certificate after the exam with proper stamp that makes your CV stronger. Helps in career growth. And above all, it’s absolutely free of cost.
Thanks a lot.

Subhash Nath

Thanks STP Computer Education Team.
STP Computer Education Center is very best platform for online accounting learning course.
This platform an very much for students, who want to learn online courses ( Tally Prime, Tally ERP9, Excel, MS Office etc.) So, I want to Thanks Again.
And I have Successfully completed Tally prime Course.
– Subhash Nath

Nepali Sangeet

Thank you so much ❤️🤗 sir You read so well and I liked you for understanding, I will definitely thank you for providing this certificate. 🤗 ❤️Keep moving like this is my prayer one’s again thank you ❤️😊

Kalyan Lohar

Very nice experience during in One month course and good institute for supporting the different type of students for achieving good progress in student future.Every lectures are very good and full explain every concept. Thank you so much STP computer 💻 Education.

Lavanya thipparapu

I am very glad to give the review , STP computer education is doing a great job to give online coaching and certification , who has interest to learn online courses. Thank you very much to give a chance to lot off people to learn online courses. I got a certificate in tally course.
Thank you very much STP Computer Education

Debjit Dutta

Very Good Online computer learning courses offered by STP COMPUTER EDUCATION. stady video is very simple to discuss & helpful to awaring knowledge to particular topics.
Thank you Sir to given us this opportunity.
Thank you so much to STP COMPUTER EDUCATION.

Akhilesh Kumar Mourya

Excellent Course Content from Basics to Advanced Level. Most Importantly the instructor was using Hindi which is very good for deep understanding. Thank You for this course STP Computer Education.

Mukul Kanderi

hello STP , its been a wonderful experience of your courses u offered for free to the students and giving legit or verified certification to the student .
i am searching for free courses for ms excel and after researching my sites , i landed on ur sites and i found my course for free with certificate.
thank you for providing free courses to student. i love ur platform and courses offered .
Mukul kanderi

Anuj Sarwan

I have completed Tally ERP 9 course in stp computer education. I am glad to share my review that the coaching is fully based on practical data and not theory based. Though I am from non-accounting background it was easy to learn from his teaching method. I learned in an interesting way and best way of teaching…with best regards..Anuj

Arunabha De

It’s a very good institution for learning basic computer things like ms word, ms excel, ms power point etc. It will also provide certificate after the exam with proper stamp that makes your CV stronger. Helps in career growth. And above all, it’s absolutely free of cost.
Thanks a lot.

Subhash Nath

Thanks STP Computer Education Team.
STP Computer Education Center is very best platform for online accounting learning course.
This platform an very much for students, who want to learn online courses ( Tally Prime, Tally ERP9, Excel, MS Office etc.) So, I want to Thanks Again.
And I have Successfully completed Tally prime Course.
– Subhash Nath

Nepali Sangeet

Thank you so much ❤️🤗 sir You read so well and I liked you for understanding, I will definitely thank you for providing this certificate. 🤗 ❤️Keep moving like this is my prayer one’s again thank you ❤️😊

Kalyan Lohar

Very nice experience during in One month course and good institute for supporting the different type of students for achieving good progress in student future.Every lectures are very good and full explain every concept. Thank you so much STP computer 💻 Education.

Lavanya thipparapu

I am very glad to give the review , STP computer education is doing a great job to give online coaching and certification , who has interest to learn online courses. Thank you very much to give a chance to lot off people to learn online courses. I got a certificate in tally course.
Thank you very much STP Computer Education

Debjit Dutta

Very Good Online computer learning courses offered by STP COMPUTER EDUCATION. stady video is very simple to discuss & helpful to awaring knowledge to particular topics.
Thank you Sir to given us this opportunity.
Thank you so much to STP COMPUTER EDUCATION.

Akhilesh Kumar Mourya

Excellent Course Content from Basics to Advanced Level. Most Importantly the instructor was using Hindi which is very good for deep understanding. Thank You for this course STP Computer Education.

Mukul Kanderi

hello STP , its been a wonderful experience of your courses u offered for free to the students and giving legit or verified certification to the student .
i am searching for free courses for ms excel and after researching my sites , i landed on ur sites and i found my course for free with certificate.
thank you for providing free courses to student. i love ur platform and courses offered .
Mukul kanderiRead More ReviewsWrite Your Review

How To Get Certificate

1. प्रिय विद्यार्थी, सबसे पहले आपको एडमिशन का वीडियो देखना है। अगर आपने एडमिशन का वीडियो देख लिया है तो आपके पास अवश्य ही आपके कोर्स की एग्जाम डेट आपको मिल गई होगी।

2. अब आपको जिस दिन की एग्जाम डेट मिली है उस दिन आपको अपनी प्रोफाइल में जाना है और वहां, जहां पर आप की एग्जाम डेट लिखी हुई है उसके नीचे आप को स्टार्ट एग्जाम का बटन मिल जाएगा उस बटन पर क्लिक कर के आपको अपना एग्जाम देना होगा।

3. जब आप अपना एग्जाम सबमिट करेंगे तब आप अपनी प्रोफाइल में पहुंच जाएंगे, तब आपकी प्रोफाइल में जहां एग्जाम डेट दिख रहा था वहां पर आपको आपके मार्क्स दिखाई देंगे और जहां स्टार्ट एग्जाम का बटन दिख रहा था वहां आपको डाउनलोड सर्टिफिकेट का बटन दिखाई देगा।

4. अब आपको डाउनलोड सर्टिफिकेट के बटन पर क्लिक करके अपना सर्टिफिकेट डाउनलोड कर लेना है।

1. Dear student, first of all you have to watch the admission video. If you have seen the video of admission, then you must have got the exam date of your course.

2. Now on the day you have got exam date, you have to go to your profile and there, where your exam date is written, below that you will get the button of start exam, by clicking on that button, you will have to give your exam.

3. When you submit your exam then you will reach your profile, then you will see your marks where the exam date was seen in your profile and you will see the download certificate button where the start exam button was visible.

4. Now you have to download your certificate by clicking on the download certificate button.

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EnglishLanuage Trainer, Author, Expert Content Writer and Social Activist.

I have conducted many training sessions in various schools and colleges in and around Hyderabad. Here is the details of some of the Sessions,Workshops,Seminars and Coaching Classes i have conducted.


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Today inaugurated the third batch of “Digital marketing courses” at Alkhair computer center , charminar, where 65 Graduates,Post Graduates and Engineers got enrolled ….many students of first and second batches got jobs .these courses are free of cost ( fees) ….May Allah accept our efforts

Mohammed Abdul Majee


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3 Months Class Room Training Course,Free Digital Marketing Course, Completed today !

You are invited to attend the Certificate Distribution Ceremony !…

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Parents taught a lesson for their self-esteem son and daughter

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Kya Khula Lene Ke Baad Wo Couple Phir Nikah Kar Sakte Hain?

Kya Khula Lene Ke Baad Wo Couple Phir Nikah Kar Sakte Hain? By Dr. Mohammad Naseem Madani iPlus TV Deeni Q&A

Dekhiye Full Video ➨

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Bodycam Footage – Foreign Exchange Graduate Students Arrested for Shoplifting

On March 19, 2024, Hoboken Police Officers were called to the ShopRite after loss prevention agents had detained two suspected shoplifters. According to the police report, the store’s facial recognition software alerted security to these 2 women, who allegedly attempted to steal before. Security cameras tracked them as they paid for 2 items totaling $8.74, but walked out with 27 unpaid items totaling $155.61. Both women, who are graduate students at Stevens Institute of Technology, were arrested and transported to the Hoboken Police Station. They were searched, fingerprinted, and photographed. After several hours, they were released with a summons for shoplifting. All suspects are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Banquet Hall Checklist for 2024 – Part 1



Banquet Hall Checklist for 2024 – Part 1

When searching for the perfect banquet hall for your big day, it’s essential to be organized and thorough in your approach. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to help you navigate the process and ensure that you find the ideal venue for your wedding:

1. Define Your Budget:

No event planning starts without a budget. Determine the budget allocated for the venue. This will guide your choices and prevent overspending.

2. Guest Count:

An estimate of the number of guests or even a guesstimate will set the foundation for your search for a banquet hall. Ensure the banquet hall can comfortably accommodate your expected attendance.

3. Location:

Location is of utmost importance. The banquet hall should ideally have a convenient and accessible location for your guests. Consider proximity to hotels, transportation, and any specific preferences you may have.

4. Venue Availability:

Check the availability of the banquet hall on your desired wedding date. Have alternative dates in mind in case your first choice is booked.

5. Venue Size and Layout:

Assess the size and layout of the banquet hall to ensure it suits your wedding style and theme. Consider separate areas for the ceremony, reception, and any other planned activities.

6. Amenities and Facilities:

Confirm the availability of necessary facilities such as dressing rooms, restrooms, and catering spaces. Check if the venue provides audio-visual equipment, stages, or dance floors.

There is a lot more to be looked into before paying the booking amount for a banquet hall. Read our next blog to get yourself better equipped to find a banquet hall that aligns with your vision, meets your requirements, and ensures a seamless and memorable celebration on your big day.



An Excellent Working Space which is my own property at Bandlaguda Aramghar Inner Ring Road is Available for Rent. Complete Building or 3 Floors Seperately. 20 shops of 10x20feet Available for Individual Businesses. Get in Touch With me at:-

For Details & Booking an appointment feel free to Contact us at:-

205, ” Highway Plaza “, Milan Colony,

H.No: 8-4-120/1/2,


Beside Tata Motors, Chandrayaingutta, Inner Ring Road,

Hyderabad–500005.T.S. INDIA.

Mobile : 9989669261

LandLine: =91-040-24442211



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Gacchi Bowli, HiTech City, Opposite to Cyber Tower, PVR ICON,




Hello! I’m Mohammed Abdul Majeed and I’ll be your instructor for DigitalMarketingCourse at www.DigitalMarketingClasses.Co. Let’s use this chat to share feedback, updates and class materials. To kick off, please introduce yourself and tell everyone what you’re hoping to get from the class.

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An Excellent Working Space which is my own property at Bandlaguda Aramghar Inner Ring Road is Available for Rent. Complete Building or 3 Floors Seperately. 20 shops of 10x20feet Available for Individual Businesses. Get in Touch With me at:-

For Details & Booking an appointment feel free to Contact us at:-

205, ” Highway Plaza “, Milan Colony,

H.No: 8-4-120/1/2,


Beside Tata Motors, Chandrayaingutta, Inner Ring Road,

Hyderabad–500005.T.S. INDIA.

Mobile : 9989669261

LandLine: =91-040-24442211



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Gacchi Bowli, HiTech City, Opposite to Cyber Tower, PVR ICON,




Hello! I’m Mohammed Abdul Majeed and I’ll be your instructor for DigitalMarketingCourse at www.DigitalMarketingClasses.Co. Let’s use this chat to share feedback, updates and class materials. To kick off, please introduce yourself and tell everyone what you’re hoping to get from the class.

Talk to us Today to Know More !!

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