13 Benefits of Raising Quail That May Surprise You

13 Benefits of Raising Quail That May Surprise You


13 Benefits of Raising Quail That May Surprise You

ByBethanyOctober 23, 2022

Before you dive into quail, make sure you know the benefits of raising quail and what you can expect from these birds.

You may have noticed more and more people talking about adding quail to their homestead. There are several benefits of raising quail you should consider, making them an appealing option.

Quail are small birds, considered game birds not poultry, but they lay eggs and their meat is delicious. Many hunters raised quail for years for hunting and game purposes, but you can raise these for other purposes.

If you’re wondering why more people than ever are adding these birds to their homesteads, check out these surprising benefits of raising quail.

Are The Benefits of Raising Quail Worth It?

More homesteaders than ever are switching to raising quail. There are plenty of benefits to raising quail, making them an appealing option.

The biggest benefit, to our family who has a small plot of land, is how little space the birds require. Our quail cages take-up minimal space behind our shed, space that we were not previously using.

We added another animal and sort of food to our suburban homestead without sacrificing any of our space. That’s huge!

Another benefit that I appreciate is how fast these birds grow.

I’ve raised chickens for years, and it’s a game of patience. You wait weeks for them to grow and be ready to go outside. Then, they take sometimes up to 24 weeks to lay eggs – that’s a long wait and a lot of upfront investment before you receive any eggs from them.

Quail, on the other hand, go outside much sooner. They lay eggs regularly and sooner; ours started around eight weeks and laid steadily all spring and summer, only decreasing in the fall as light hours decreased.

Overall, if you were to ask me are quail worth it, my thought is immediately yes, they are an excellent option for homesteaders!

Are Quail Easier to Raise Than Chickens?

Yes, in my opinion and experience, quail are easier to raise than chickens.

Since they have a smaller cage, keeping their area clean and dry is considerably easier. We swap bedding every few days, and it’s sufficient for them.

They don’t want to free range, but they like place to hide. We add branches to their cages and heaps of bedding because they love to dig. A small dustbath in a container is always a favorite, but these all take minimal work from you.

Chickens need more food, more water, and require more work to clean their housing. Not to mention, chasing them when they escape is a big deal. You’ll find that raising quail is quite easy. Make sure they have what they need, and they are skittish, so they don’t want to be handled all day long, much to my kids’ disappointment.

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